ALERT about Germany’s Green Party NGO “Heinrich Boell Foundation” Washington. DC

Alert about “Heinrich Boell Foundation” Washington. D.C.: This is not a foundation but as similar German party NGOs simply and association of a limited number of selected political operators. The HB foundation is the primary political intervention NGO of Germany’s “Green” Party which now is an aggressive NATO enthusiast (in the 1980’s the “Green”s were “hippie libertarians” who favored “decriminalization of pedophilia”.

But in 1998 they voted for U.S. and German war against Yugoslavia.

CURRENT NEWS: The parents of CHARLOTTE BECK, the “program director” of “Heinrich Boell Foundation” in Washington.D.C. are MARIELUISE BECK (a Green Party Bundestag-Representative – like U.S. House of Representatives. and RALF FUECKS a leader of the Heirich Boell Foundation.

Both now face published criticism by the LEFT WING OF THE GREEN PARTY -for their aggressive NATO propaganda against Russia’s relation to the Ukraine. —————While contacting you, below the most recent analysis of German intervention against Nicaragua:

DW “Deutsche Welle” is de facto the “Voice of America” from Germany, because it serves the geopolitical operations of the USA, often in open detriment to the interests of Germany’s own international economic interests.
DW is financed by German Federal Government, in 2015 with Euro 385 million ($420 Million) and has 3,000 staff (“journalists” and “contributors”)worldwide in up to one hundred nations.
DW key figures are trained in “Virginia”USA. Germany is occupied by 60,000 U.S.  military and under the “supervision” of thousands of U.S. agents. although the “Chancellors” (like Merkel) “act” as “independent leaders”.
Thousands of German agents, BND, DW, GIZ, “Foundations” and NGO activists have been infiltrated into Latin America to subvert on behalf of U.S. “hemisphere security leadership” and the expansion of NATO: Germans arouse no suspicion!
German agents are on the front line for sabotaging every national development project in Latin America – even to the detriment of German industry. Now Germany leads the manipulation and financing of violent resistance against Nicaragua’s national project for an inter-oceanic canal.
The German Embassy in Nicaragua funnels funds via two Nicaragua front NGO, to the Danish NGO “IBIS” that is the lead-agency for sabotaging the Nicaragua Canal project.
German governments (state and federal) finance and “direct” several TV systems, such as ARD for which PETER SONNENBERG ist the Korrespondent for Mexico and Central America.
“Deutsche Welle” presented on Feb. 23. 2015 his production “Nicaragua Resistance against the Canal Project”. (The Chinese! The environment! The “independent government!” : All bad, bad, bad and not approved by NATO!)
A 10 minute superficial repetition of the standard propaganda – not directed against the canal, but against the relationship between Latin American “independent” nations and China. (Pst: U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce Walter Bastian told the Nicaraguan business groups in July 2014: “If the private sector wants the canal, the U.S. would not object, provided a settlement of outstanding claims for U.S property!” $$$ !
Of course U.S. East Coast and U.S. Gulf ports want a second canal. The Nicaragua canal would cut shipping by one or two days, and allow 20,000+ teu freighters (20,000+ 20 foot containers). And would unplug the overstretched rail lines to the U.S. West Coast.)
One year before the Nicaraguan congress voted for the project, in July 2013, the Nicaraguan government commissioned pre-feasility studies by Haskoning DHV (Netherlands) and Ecorys (Britain) which were finished in Spring 2013.
The “lake” is already polluted due to agricultural run-off, cattle droppings while being watered, garbage being dumped by those who live around it and on the islands. 84% of potable water in Nicaragua comes from wells.
The Nicaraguan business associations and labor unions want the canal as well as 61 %, other are undecided, only 17% oppose the canal.
7,000 families would be relocated and compensated: Of course their needs require serious attention: But not cynical propaganda exploitation by Germans: You listen PETER SONNENBERG?
Why don’t you worry about the 11 million Romas (Gypsies) in NATO Europe who are badly treated and deprived of decent conditions! As for the MONICA LOPEZ the chosen “Resistance leader” – she works for “IBIS” with the money from the German Embassy.
She is the daughter of a dissident former Sandinista figure that now acts against the elected government of Nicaragua, of which the Sandinistas are the largest party. Below see an analysis which already has been facilitated to “all who need” to know worldwide. Scroll down >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>….

The U.S. Embassy in Nicaragua has signaled to the “international media” that: “It is concerned about a proposed inter-oceanic canal across Nicaragua”, citing “environmental” considerations.
That is the same U.S. Dept. Of State that “de facto” has agreed to the  controversial but by U.S. Congress favored Keystone XL tar-oilcrude pipeline, 2,661 km/1,700 miles from Canada across heartland America and its largest  450,000 km2 water aquifer. The Nicaragua canal would be 278 km/172 miles.
Denmark’s NGOs  “IBIS” is the lead foreign geopolitical intervention operation in Nicaragua. Its mission is to secure Nicaragua for U.S. and NATO control. In 2015 thousands of European NGO “activists” are the new  geopolitical “Contras” in all Latin America because they arouse no suspicion.
Follow the money: “IBIS” operations against Nicaragua are  financed via the governments of Germany and Finland, and the off-shore banking countries Netherlands, Switzerland and Luxemburg, and unknown sources in Denmark.
“IBIS”(aka IBISCA) channels the funds  through its own fronts – “Fondo de Gobernabilidad” and “Centro Alexander von Humboldt”  to local Nicaraguan NGOs and “groups” which “IBIS” agents manipulate, lead or influence: Including  CENIDH, CEDEHCA, EDUQUEMOS, FUNDACIO LUCIERNAGA, IDEUCA, INSFOP, URACCAN, CCLPDL, CEDJUDCHAN, Gob.Terr.
Rana y Kriol, and the “Cocibolca” protest movement against the inter-oceanic canal which has been associated with violent reaction against the  national development plan for the inter-oceanic canal, similar to “IBIS” instigated violent reaction against the “Tipnis” national development project in Bolivia which resulted in the expulsion of “IBIS” from Bolivia – a nation with an elected indigenous (Aymara) president  and 60+% indigenous population.
The Danish NGO “IBIS” has been expelled in 2013 from Bolivia for conspiracy that produced violent destabilization operations. NGO “IBIS” is now behind the  conspiracy to  violently destabilize Nicaragua by using the canal project as pretext.  
“IBIS” real modus operandi in Nicaragua:  Isolate indigenous and ethnic groups to establish “IBIS” as their representative against the national government and infiltrate poor urban centers to establish “IBIS” as representative against the  national police.  

The new “CONTRAS” of 2015 do not operate in camouflage uniforms and come  from Miami:  In 2015 they subvert as “activists” of NGOs and come from  NATO-countries ! The NGOs of NATO-countries  donate millions to developing nations but  cost billions in sabotaged  national development!
2015 seems to start as a “bad year” for DENMARK in LATIN AMERICA and in the CARIBBEAN.  In 2014 DENMARK’S NGO ‘IBIS’ may have been expelled from BOLIVIA  due to subversion against the development policies of the elected national government.
In December 2014 DENMARK’S NGO ‘IBIS’ appears subverting in NICARAGUA as the most aggressive foreign intervention operation against the national project of NICARAGUA: The inter-oceanic-canal. The overwhelming number of Nicaraguans support this national project, including private industry and labor unions.
Nicaragua with a population of  6.2 million and per capita income of less then $ 3,000 per year, needs to feed and employ an additional 100,000 people each year until 2020. Virtually all nations in LATIN AMERICA and in the CARIBBEAN support the project. Who is against the project?
The NGOs of the USA and of NATO-countries in Europe! —- The over half a billion citizens of LATIN AMERICA and the CARIBBEAN need now to be alerted about DENMARK’S operations in NICARAGUA:
“IBIS” plays the “human face” of the DENMARK of ex-NATO Secretary-General ANDERS FOGH RASMUSSEN, the DENMARK which joined the attack of the U.S. “Bush-Administration” against Iraq in 2003, the DENMARK that continues to occupy GREENLAND although the native INUIT want independence and their own nation!
The U.S-DENMARK-CANADA NATO AIRBASE   in  GREENLAND receives about one thousand NATO military flights per year ! In 1953, the native INUIT had been expelled by DENMARK and the U.S.  from the Thule region of GREENLAND.——-
The people in LATIN AMERICA, the CARIBBEAN, and AFRICA  need to  claim reparations for the estimated 100,000 Africans who had been brought by DANISH SLAVERS from AFRICA to the CARIBBEAN.
Later the descendants of some of those AFRICANS were deported by the BRITISH from CARIBBEAN islands to the coast of NICARAGUA, HONDURAS, BELIZE AND GUATEMALA.
DENMARK exploited in the DANISH VIRGIN ISLANDS the slaves its own slave-ships had brought from AFRICA.
Considering the economic cost of nurturing 100,000 people to maturity and the subsequent economic contribution lost to AFRICA, in 2015 DENMARK should pay between $ 50 billion and $100 billion in reparations to AFRICA and an additional billions  to the descendants of Africans that were brought by DENMARK’S slavers to the AMERICAS and subsequently exploited.
DENMARK grew rich on the backs of AFRICANS and in 2015 DENMARK is again active as a “neo-colonial” interventionist in LATIN AMERICA, and its true intentions in AFRICA are long-range NATO geopolitical objectives related to the control of the South Atlantic and Indian Ocean.  ——
NICARAGUANS have the freedom and the right to oppose the canal – but DENMARK and NATO-countries have no right to intervene in NICARAGUA or anywhere in LATIN AMERICA, and its “intervention-agents” camouflaged as NGO “activists” need to be identified , exposed  and should be  dissuaded , in a friendly manner, from intervening.
And a suggestion: DENMARK must not oppose the INUIT demand for GREENLAND’S  independence ! !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(Author: itaia muxaic de ricart. independent analyst-investigador. san juan/puerto rico. This item is freely available under fair use policy. )>>>>>>>>>Scroll down to item: “Concerning KLAUS VON MURALT” (Nicaragua) >>>>>>>>scroll down>>>

To: E-CHANGER(Switzerland), BETHLEHEM MISSION (Switzerland), INTER-AGIRE(Switzerland).  
From: Itaia Muxaic de Ricart, Independent  Analyst-Investigator (Puerto Rico). —————————— Concerning: KLAUS VON MURALT (Nicaragua).  ———
During an investigation of foreign agents who were active in Brazil in the “protest movement” (2011-2014),  I had contacted your organization earlier in 2014 concerning  one of your “development agents” – a British-Swiss female, Celia Aldridge.——
Now  the case of KLAUS VON MURALT,  who is active in Nicaragua,   deserves international attention . The subject is a 33 year old Swiss male with a background as local news reporter in Switzerland , whom your organization deployed to Nicaragua in February 2014 (together with his wife who has a background as community news journalist).
The stated compensation package from your organization for the three year tour, with social contributions, amounts to between $150,000 and  $ 200,000. Additional benefits furnished in Nicaragua  by ATC-UNAPA or COMUNDO are not known.—————-
The deployment category is stated as “Strategy for International Communication”  The stated purpose of the 3 year deployment of KLAUS VON MURALT and his wife has been explained as:  “Supporting the editorial team of ATC-UNAPA publications  and assisting communication within ATC-UNAPA chapters”.  
Before analyzing the apparent real  mission of your “development agents” – first the question: Why would Nicaraguans in 2014 need the assistance of two Swiss junior local reporters without professional level Spanish-literacy to publish material destined for the members of  agricultural cooperatives in Nicaragua?
And why would ATC-UNAPA need assistance of  Swiss local reporters to communicate within its affiliates in Nicaragua? Are there not  enough qualified and literate  Nicaraguan or Latin American  journalists and communication technicians ? —————–
Before analyzing the REAL MISSION of KLAUS VON MURALT in Nicaragua, let’s get real: Your group of NGOs are fronts for geopolitical operations in Latin America and Africa?  Your are hiding behind a  religious cover? —–
The cooperation of Swiss corporations and diplomats with the Military Dictatorship in Brazil 1964-1985 has been published  in the international media.  As for the Swiss ethics: U.S. Senator Carl Levin in the Swiss tax fraud  hearing asked the CREDIT SUISSE representative in the U.S. Romeo Cerruti: “Where do you want to go to jail?
Here in the U.S. or in Switzerland?” (In the U.S. for tax fraud, in the Switzerland for revealing tax fraud information to foreign governments).   ————–
The governments in Latin America need to take a look at your “development helpers”:  Most seem  oddly out-of-place  “theologians”, “sociologists”, “psychologists”. The one nurse in Brazil has been strategically deployed among the Yanomami where  agencies of the U.S., Britain and Germany manipulate for separatism and the rationale for “humanitarian intervention by the international community” . ————–
KLAUS VON MURALT has already revealed his real mission:  International propaganda against the national project of Nicaragua for an interoceanic canal and  against the police and the government of Nicaragua.  
For that purpose  KLAUS VON MURALT already connected with the  “false flag” (false Left) operation from Germany that infiltrates Latin American  extreme-left and  anarchist groups as well as  radical environmental and separatist movements and manipulates them to obstruct national projects, break national cohesion and destabilize the center-left and left governments.  
In other Latin American nations the German “false Left”  infiltrates the social movements to entice them into clashes with the authorities who then have the pretext to  call  for “security assistance from the U.S. and NATO.———–
A sample of KLAUS VON MURALT  international propaganda against the government of Nicaragua as appeared published for readers in Germany-Austria-Switzerland : Title “Protest against construction of canal in Nicaragua”: Muralt claims that the National Police tried to stop people from travelling to the protests.
Muralt lists the two media groups that announced  the call for the protest. Muralt writes that  the protest  was also against the leadership of the government. Muralt reports slogans “For our health and the planet: No canal!” “Nicaragua belongs to us!” “We defend Nicaragua!”
And KLAUS VON MURALT mentions that he also had personal contact during the event with an  the agent  of the “false flag” German Left ” in Nicaragua. —–  
Conclusion: E-CHANGER  and KLAUS MURALT merit listing in the international watch list. The individuals controlling those NGOs and the sources of their financing  also deserve  to be known by the internationally.  —————————————-
This item has been written in English because it will be circulated world-wide. – (This item is freely available under fair use policy).
By Itaia Muxaic <>

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