DPRK (aka, “North Korea”) Showcases 250 New Tactical Ballistic Missile Force (PHOTOS)

DPRK Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un has overseen a parade of 250 of the tactical systems that will bolster the country’s border defenses

North Korea has bolstered its military capabilities with 250 new tactical ballistic missile launchers amid rising tensions with the US and South Korea, according to the state-run KCNA news agency.

The solemn ceremony marking the transfer of the new weapons took place in Pyongyang on Sunday and was attended by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and other top officials. The images shared by the agency show several rows of khaki-colored military vehicles, lined up in front of a large crowd.

While the type of the missiles was unclear, in early July North Korea claimed to have successfully tested the Hwasongpho-11Da-4.5 which can carry a 4.5 ton “super-large warhead” and has a maximum range of 500km, according to KCNA.

Noting that the systems would be transferred to “the frontier military units” – apparently those guarding the border with South Korea – Kim called the roll-out “another firm stepping stone for injecting vitality into the name and flag of the DPRK.”

He hailed the weapons as “a powerful treasured sword,” that would “remarkably enhance [North Korea’s] prestige” and bolster its defense capabilities.

In a speech quoted by AP, Kim said that the military build-up was a response to what he called “increasingly savage”cooperation between the US and its regional allies.

“It would be our choice to either pursue dialogue or confrontation, but our lesson and conclusion from the past 30 years… is that confrontation is what we should be prepared more thoroughly for,” he stated.

In recent months, North Korea has been actively test-firing missiles while voicing strong concerns about military drills involving the US on and near the Korean peninsula. Pyongyang has suggested that the exercises could be rehearsals for a possible invasion.

READ MORE: North Korea fires missile with ‘super-large warhead’ – state media





Published by Rt.com


Republished by The 21st Century

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[For the sake of our viewers, we thought it’d be worthy if our readers have a chance to read some of the comments Rt.com readers left after reading the above-published article.]


North Korea showcases new missile force (PHOTOS)



Great indeed, the super lackey south lap the fat smelly arses of the Evil Empire-USA who dare not attack N.Korea or else. Please provide Iran with nukes N.Korea, Russia does not have the balls to do the right thing.

9:54 AM


These missiles are for South Korea, with a range about 500 km. The BIG” cigars” for the usa and japan if they move in the wrong way!

9:50 AM



Put nuke on them! If japan or any other whore of us. moves, spray them with “love” missiles!

9:47 AM


Just spread them out in 2-3 piece at the time! Never put them so close to each other! These are the NEW ONES! think how many OLD ones in stock! 4.5 Ton warhead? whooooo…………send some to Houthis!

9:45 AM

Stan Azen

n Korea should take over war in ukraine and train iran.russia does not seem capable

9:34 AM



Observer From Afar

North Korea should train Iran!

9:25 AM



No Black areas or LGBTs, can’t be that bad.

8:43 AM



Now just pass some of these weapons to the Houthis, Hamas, Hezbollah, Sahel Alliance, Venezuela, Iraq etc. “The enemy of my enemy, is my friend”. Time to bring the troubles to today’s “habitual troublemaker” and make their life miserable also.

8:39 AM


Tom One

kuasimi, Don’t forget Russia. I’m sure they could be used to attack the F-16 bases and other military installations. Please Kim, give em a couple

8:43 AM


Johnny B

Those missiles look similar in dimensions and shape to the kinzhal. I know it’s not but they look similar.

8:22 AM


Exactly KIM. Anglo-Saxon colonial Nazi Jewish cabals are a race of SAVAGES descending from Neanderthals a special kind of CREATURE that has nothing to do with Homo sapiens.

7:42 AM


Many are getting ready for this Anglo-Saxon GENERATIONAL BASTARDS, THIEVES, BANDITS, LIARS, FRAUDSTERS, RACISTS, CON ARTISTS, RAPIST and so on. Many are getting ready for THEM.

6:00 AM


Visits were worth it then!

5:47 AM


This is great news from Russia friend.Very good for overall balance in the world.

4:57 AM


Excellent news. The poor old yanks couldn’t afford this many…….

4:48 AM



Im not sure whether the SK leader is stupid or dumb because he could not see what the US did to Iraq, Libya , Syria etc. The whole country gone because they don’t have a nuclear weapons. The only weapons today that can safe the country from Yankees and gangs are nuclear weapon. Do you understand? Or you stupid enough to see the reality?

4:45 AM


Zhu Di

I wish leaders of my country can learn something from Comrade Kim. I’m proud of my NK friends. Please kick the imperialist uSa out of South Korea, Comrade Kim.

4:22 AM



North Korea is the best Korea.

Long live DPRK 🚀😘

4:08 AM



And why not by the way ? USRAEL and ISRAEL bullshit the world regularly with their weapons.. Why not North Korea ?

3:47 AM


jacob chiong

There are so much mocking of the North that I wonder what the responses will be when those launchers start firing.

3:39 AM


North Korea sure knows how to entertain the West with their rocket tests and missile parades. I find it more entertaining than Hollywood comedy and the response from the West is priceless

3:25 AM

luis carlos robles m

Let me remind you all the monarchs serve the interest of the churches and temples patrons all fail and end up being blasphemous sinners from top to bottom they are preventors of equality in life as their masters were once slave owners and still are payers of wages keeping their victim dis dependent away from them in their own homes but they will always be dependent of masters only enough to eat buy cloth pay rent and. Utility bills never reaching top before it was same except they had you in their homes never free now they exchange slaves into different hands and the slaves have their own home they pat rent or pay all their lives mortgage..

3:12 AM


Strength and power, that is the ONLY thing that will prevent and block Gog and Magog (the west) from invading you!!

3:12 AM





Impressive display by the wholly free and independent Kim Korea; hopefully the degenerates in Vichy Korea will take note…

3:09 AM



The Norths are developing ‘illegal ‘ as the rest are developing ‘legal’ what a joke! As if there is legality in war!

3:07 AM



Huge regional power. The sheer amount of deaths in a potential clash would be astoundable

2:56 AM



Ship a few of them to the Houthis. They’ll know what to do with them.

2:50 AM



No wonder why Nth Korea hasn’t been invaded/occupied by the Imperialist forces.

2:41 AM



Russian Federation has given missile tech to the North Koreans because the americans continue its hegemonic militarisation in japan korea!
2:07 AM



Coolfe, Glad you are on the case Sherlock Holmes….

9:23 AM



Iran should take lessons from north Korea.

2:03 AM



North Korea would not develop nuclear weapons if US was not using South to contain the North, same old story as NATO that is the aggression starter in the region and not defensive in nature.

2:02 AM


Salvatore Vitale

Yeah , this is what your country must
look like in order for U.S. to respect you

1:57 AM



For all the insults the west loves to rain down on north Korea, no western country have still directly ever attacked north Korea, Yet look at Iran, they are about to get engulfed in a serious conflict with Israel and the United States

1:50 AM

Awesome 👍

1:46 AM



[More comments are listed in the original Rt.com article.]


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