The Zionist Colonization of Palestine

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not the product of ancient ethnic hatreds. It is the tragic clash between two peoples with claims to the same land. It is a manufactured conflict, the outcome of a 100-year-old…

A ‘Perfect Storm’ of Bio-War Agents and Climate Change

There are several military and civilian medical research facilities around the world that either maintain stocks of dangerous pathogenic viruses and bacteria for research, clandestine development of biological warfare weaponry, or both. With early scientific…

The Madrid Climate Disaster

Does anyone know what COP25 stands for? Probably very few. Its unimportant. As unimportant as the whole roadshow itself. Just for the hell of it, for those who read this article, COP means Conference of the…

What is the Democratic Party Today?

A Fraught Moment The last time the Democratic Party blew up in a presidential election year was 1860. It had evolved from Jefferson’s 1800 bloc of yeoman farmers to Andrew Jackson’s rowdy caucus of frontier…