Over-reliance on US dollar

To get the imbalanced world economy onto a balanced track international monetary system needs reform There are two sharply contrasting arguments to explain the global imbalances between the United States as the biggest trade deficit…

Germany to exit nuclear power by 2022

BERLIN, May 30 (Xinhua) — The German government announced early Monday a plan to shut down all its 17 nuclear power plants by 2022 after a twelve-hour discussion within the ruling coalition. Environment Minister Norbert…

The Secret Wars of the Saudi-Israeli Alliance

Together Israel and the Khaliji ruling families form a frontline for Washington and NATO against Iran and its regional allies. The alliance also acts on behalf of Washington to destabilize the region. The roots of chaos in Southwest Asia and North Africa are this Khaliji-Israeli alliance.

Updates on Libyan war from Stop NATO News: May 27, 2011

Day 70 Of Libyan War: 8,444 NATO Air Missions, 3,229 Combat Flights! Non-Aligned Movement Conference: Cuba Condemns NATO Attacks Against Libya As International Crime NATO Defies Africa By Intensifying Bombardment Of Libya Britain Deploys Helicopter…