Palestinian Trade Union Coalition for BDS (PTUC-BDS)

Statements Palestinian Trade Union Coalition for BDS (PTUC-BDS) formed at historic conferencePosted on May 5, 2011 by Palestinian Trade Union Coalition for BDS (PTUC-BDS) In commemoration of the International Workers’ Day, the Palestinian trade union…

Int’l boycott, divestment and sanctions update: ‘I went because I needed to go’

It called on trade unions around the world to sever all links with the Israel labour federation Histadrut. Histadrut protects illegal Israeli workers in the settlements and doesn’t protect the legal Palestinian workers there, having withheld almost $2.5 billion of their wages over the years, deducted for “social and other trade union benefits” that they have never received.

Japan’s TEPCO “Compensation” for Fukushima is a Political Fraud

As radioactive fallout spreads across the Tohoku and Kanto regions, the Japanese public has a stark choice: protect nuclear power or save democracy. Over two decades of economic decline, attempts at superficial reform have failed miserably. A democratic revolution – broader and deeper than the Meiji upheaval of 1868 – must be initiated at whatever the cost or Japan faces destruction as a nation of radiation victims or hibakusha. The decision confronts us here and now: die or fight.

Russia-US: Terrorism’s vicious circle

By Eric Walberg:   There are no hostages in the game of geopolitics. Russia’s reaction to the Bin Laden assassination reveals its own dilemma about how best to accommodate the West. The Kremlin limited itself to…