The UN was envisaged as a war-fighting machine

A deeper look at the origins of the UN reveals some surprising facts about the military purpose of the fledgling organisation. American critics of the United Nations often zero in on its lack of serious…

Sino-US economic ties benefit both sides: Geithner

The economic relationship between the United States and China “provides tremendous benefits” to both nations, US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner said on Wednesday. “China presents enormous economic opportunities for the United States and for the…

Africa records fastest growing economies for 2011

Ghana, a West African nation is ranked the fastest growing economy in the world and tops the chart of the  top 12 fastest growing economies for 2011. Liberia, Angola, Ethiopia, and Mozambique are other African countries that…

Japan media pushes Tokyo toward China

Major Japanese media outlets have named improving ties with China the top task for Japan’s cabinet in 2011 in their special new year coverage. The Kyodo News Agency said it is a diplomatic priority for…

Israel: Using Wikileaks to build a straw man

From the day the first batch of Wikileaks appeared in the international press, the Israelis were crowing “this is good for us”. Seizing on documents demonstrating that some Arab leaders bear ill-will toward Iran, the…