Federal Reserve Cartel Part II: Freemason BUS & House of Rothschild

Jacob backed Arnold Schwarzenegger’s California gubernatorial campaign. He took control of Khodorkovsky’s YUKOS oil shares just before the Russian government arrested him. In 2010 Jacob joined Rupert Murdoch in a shale oil extraction partnership in Israel through Genie Energy – a subsidiary of IDT Corporation. Within months, Sarah Palin had hired former IDT executive Michael Glassner as her chief of staff. Is Palin the Rothschild choice in 2012?

The Devil Always Comes As A Friend

By Philip A. Farruggio: Do you remember the film ‘King of Kings (1961), the story of Jesus? In one scene, Jesus is going out to the wilderness for 40 days to search his soul etc….

Military Escalation: “Phase Two” of the War on Libya

On June 1st, the member states of the Atlantic Alliance (NATO) meeting in Brussels decided to “renew the mission”, namely extend the war on Libya, “for another 90 days to late September”. What is unfolding is an escalation of military operations, which at the same time is leading to a protracted war.