US Planing to Grab Venezuela’s Oil

The media are heavily criticizing Venezuela’s economic and military cooperation with Russia and China. At the moment the country’s defense capabilities are bled as a result of the sanctions imposed by Washington on Cavim, the key Venezuelan defense corporation. The explanation is that Washington hates to see other players eat away at its share of the arms market.

Russia’s Libya role irks China

 By M K Bhadrakumar: Russia went to the Group of Eight (G-8) summit meeting at Deauville last week as an inveterate critic of the “unilateralist” Western intervention in Libya, but came away from the seaside…

On the Rise: America’s Military Soft Power

America has caught people’s attention by recently taking a series of actions: First, Obama has nominated CIA Director Leon Panetta to be the next Secertary of Defense; second, U.S. special forces have killed bin Laden…

Venezuela cuts ties with U.S. over Iran

By Press TV:   Venezuela has severed its relations with the U.S. after Washington imposed sanctions against Venezuela’s state-owned oil company for supplying gasoline to Iran. According to, Venezuela officially “froze” relations with the…