Chomsky: Libya and the World of Oil

The world of oil provides useful guidance for western reactions to the remarkable democracy uprisings in the Arab world. An oil-rich dictator who is a reliable client is granted virtual free rein. There was little reaction when Saudi Arabia declared on March 5, “Laws and regulations in the Kingdom totally prohibit all kinds of demonstrations, marches and sit-in protests as well as calling for them as they go against the principles of Shariah and Saudi customs and traditions.” The kingdom mobilized huge security forces that rigorously enforced the ban.

Libyan gov’t rejects ceasefire conditions

The Libyan government has rejected ceasefire conditions set out by rebel leaders. Officials say government troops will not leave Libyan cities as demanded by the opposition. The rejection came after anti-government forces said they would…

China Leads Clean Energy Ranking as U.S. Falls

The United States fell one spot to third place in clean-energy investment last year as the lack of a national energy policy hurt purchases in wind and solar power and other technologies, a report said…

UN Security Council March 17 Meeting to Authorize Bombing of Libya all Smoke and Mirrors

The false narrative they conjured up was that their military action was for the protection of unarmed civilians who were peacefully protesting for their rights. What is happening in Libya, however, is an armed insurrection against the government. The insurrection is being led by former Libyan government officials who defected and joined with other opposition forces. The Security Council resolution was crafted to provide foreign military intervention to aid this armed insurrection by attacking the military forces of the Libyan government along with other sites and installations.

Allowing US military invasion in another sovereign nation: Moral bankruptcy

For the world including those four BRIC nations seem helplessly failed to stop US/NATO’s another immoral, hypocritical, and most importantly “criminal” military operation against Libya. Those three so-called “allies” who are to carry out so-called another UN resolution to impose another “no-fly zone” against another sovereign nation are US (present “Global Empire”), Britain (former “British Empire”) and France (another former Western empire).

UN’s ‘coalition of the opposed’ grows

NEW YORK – At the United Nations headquarters, signs of a brewing debate as heated as the 2003 invasion of Iraq can be found aplenty. Parallel to the growing criticisms of the Barack Obama administration’s…

Obama authorizes secret support for Libya rebels

 U.S. President Barack Obama has signed a secret order authorizing the Central Intelligence Agency to conduct covert operations to help rebels in Libya, media reports said here on Wednesday. Obama signed the order, known as…

Libya invasion: America tells more lies

The first lie President Obama told the world came on Monday as he addressed his nation. He said NATO is taking over command from the US in Libya and that US action is limited to defending civilians who are under attack by forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi.

But the fact is that transferring command to NATO makes no difference. NATO is dominated militarily and politically by the US, thus, the US still commands the destruction of Libya and is still involved in killing civilians with the missiles that are being dropped over the country. America, historically has never allowed its forces to operate in a foreign land under a foreign command – and this will not happen in Libya.

Who are the Libyan Freedom Fighters and Their Patrons?

The initially stated aim of this bombing was to diminish Libyan civilian casualties. But many, senior figures in Washington, including President Obama, have indicated that the US is gearing up for a quite different war for regime change, one that may well be protracted and could also easily expand beyond Libya.1 If it does expand, the hope for a nonviolent transition to civilian government in Tunisia and Egypt and other Middle East nations experiencing political unrest, may be lost to a hard-edged militarization of government, especially in Egypt. All of us, not just Egyptians, have a major stake in seeing that that does not happen