By Philip A. Farruggio: All empires, historically, were and are ravenous. They have to be, if part of being an empire is to advance beyond one’s borders and claim another’s land and resources as your…
Category: Global Issues
Israel was an important beneficiary of these economic operations and Israel has been an important beneficiary of certain U.S. military operations, exactly as McGovern testified. The clear losers in this process are the people struggling globally for truth, justice, human rights, and peace. And there are clear and identifiable winners–if one dares to look.
Understanding who the winners are is
China is on course to overtake the US in scientific output possibly as soon as 2013 – far earlier than expected. That is the conclusion of a major new study by the Royal Society, the…
The operator of the Fukushima plant in Japan initially reported that radiation levels in the water at the number 2 reactor, tested 10 million times higher than normal prompting an evacuation of workers. However hours…
OPEN LETTER President of the Russian Federation Medvedev DA Prime Minister of Russian Federation VV Putin from citizens of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, working and living in Libya March 24, 2011, Tripoli, Libya Dear Mr….
Eight years earlier to the day, the Bush Administration began its Operation Shock and Awe, the military destruction and occupation of Iraq, allegedly to prevent a threat of weapons of mass destruction which never existed as was later confirmed. The Iraqi invasion followed more than a decade of illegal No Fly Zone operations over Iraqi airspace by the same trio—USA, Britain and France.
Far more important than any possible numerology games a superstitious Pentagon might or might not be playing is the ultimate agenda behind the domino series of regime destabilizations that Washington has ignited under the banner of democracy and human rights across the Islamic world since December 2010.
The bombing of a sovereign country, is being carried out by the so-called “international community” to “save the lives of civilians” under the new logo of “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P), pursuant to UN Security Council resolution 1973.
Libya 2011: The realties are otherwise: civilians are the unspoken victims of US-NATO bombings. A Blitzkrieg is being carried out against an entire population.
The destruction of Iraq – a crime with the scope of genocide – began with aerial attacks and a siege that went on for more than a decade. No one planned the moves at the time. So there’s no point asking what the goal of the attack on Libya is. Saving human lives? As in Iraq? Maybe democracy? As in Saudi Arabia? Those who possess giant war machines with funding for research and development prefer trial and error. There are no goals. Will Al-Qaida also get there quickly? Well, there’s a huge arsenal that needs refreshing, once in the name of “human rights,” once in the name of “the war on terror.” Something will come out of this. Ratings, oil, a peace conference, photo-ops, Sarkozy next to Angela Merkel, Berlusconi next to David Cameron and Barack Obama. A smile. Speeches.
[Editorial] The New York Times in its March 17 article reported “The United Nations Security Council voted to authorize military action, including airstrikes against Libyan tanks and heavy artillery and a no-fly zone.” It also…
The alleged purpose of the bombing was to establish a no-fly zone and to protect a force of CIA-sponsored Libyan rebels composed of the Moslem Brotherhood, elements of the Libyan government and army subverted by the CIA (including such sinister figures as former Justice Minister Mustafa Abdel-Jalil and former Interior Minister Fattah Younis), and monarchist Senussi tribesmen holding the cities of Benghazi and Tobruk. But twin Friday ultimatums by President Obama and British premier Cameron, plus a speech by Harper, made clear that the goal was the ouster of Colonel Muammar Qaddafi and regime change in the North African oil-producing nation, whose proven reserves of crude are the largest on that continent.