Special Reports on Japan continue: “The Next Nagasaki: Nuclear Fears Stalk the World”

The international community is well aware of the double standard in policy. The US quietly applauded Israeli air strikes against Saddam Hussein’s Osirak nuclear-energy plant in 1981 and has since demanded ever-stricter sanctions against Tehran and Pyongyang. Yet Washington refuses to lead by example, shrugging off the anti-nuclear movement’s pleas to stop plans for new reactors and shunning calls from the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki for total nuclear disarmament. America’s campaign for an atomic monopoly, or at least nuclear dominance, is driving smaller powers toward obtaining a deterrence capability. These nations aren’t some “axis of evil”; they’re just playing the survival game by the rules – not the words – set by Washington.

Nuclear crisis: Japanese media puncture government censorship, expose Western media distortions

USA stands for United Steel (Workers) of America. The meltdown of a single core reactor would make any human presence impossible on site. Without the maintenance work of water injection, the other reactors would sooner than later also undergo meltdown. When one goes, the others will soon follow. The Japanese government now openly accepts the possibility of a core meltdown of Unit 2, which completely lost all its water content for a short time yesterday when a portable generator ran out of diesel fuel. Human error is becoming an understandable problem with the high casualty toll among plant workers, exhaustion and lack of equipment on the tsunami-swept site.

European countries meet on nuclear policy

European energy ministers, and nuclear experts, are meeting to coordinate EU’s policy, in the light, of Japan’s nuclear crisis. The EU Energy commissioner, questioned, what future role nuclear power should have. Shocked into action by…

Experts Had Long Criticized Potential Weakness in Design of Stricken Reactor

But the type of containment vessel and pressure suppression system used in the failing reactors at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi plant is physically less robust, and it has long been thought to be more susceptible to failure in an emergency than competing designs. In the United States, 23 reactors at 16 locations use the Mark 1 design, including the Oyster Creek plant in central New Jersey, the Dresden plant near Chicago and the Monticello plant near Minneapolis.

The Counter-Revolutionary and Imperialist Siege of Libya

But the problems of the revolutionaries will not be solved by the counter-revolutionaries, those who are nostalgic for absolute monarchy; the terrorists and religious fundamentalists of al-Qaida; and even less, by imperialist powers, which have always regarded Libya as a territory to conquer.

“Operation Libya” and the Battle for Oil: Redrawing the Map of Africa

The mainstream media through massive disinformation is complicit in justifying a military agenda which, if carried out, would have devastating consequences not only for the Libyan people: the social and economic impacts would be felt Worldwide. Public opinion must take cognizance of the hidden agenda behind this alleged humanitarian undertaking, heralded by the heads of state and heads of government of NATO countries as a “Just War”.