India Shuns US Request to Ban RT

Washington’s call for a global sanctions campaign against the Russian news network has been received poorly in New Delhi

The Indian government is reluctant to back Washington’s renewed attack on Russian media outlets, The Hindu newspaper has reported, citing diplomatic sources.

New Delhi has not provided any official reaction to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s call on Friday to “every ally, every partner, to start by treating RT’s activities as they do other intelligence activities by Russia within their borders.”

The Indian Ministry of External Affairs has kept silent on the US move.

In private conversations, however, Indian diplomats said the country does not adhere to unilateral sanctions that are not imposed by the UN and will continue to pursue an independent foreign policy, The Hindu reports.

The matter “does not pertain to India” altogether, an unnamed diplomat told the outlet.

Blinken accused RT of “functioning as a de facto arm of [Russian] intelligence.” 

He further alleged that the news network has been trying to undermine democracy in the US and elsewhere, and erode global support for Ukraine, urging other nations to join the assault on Russian media in a “joint diplomatic campaign.”

READ MORE: US media merged with intelligence services long ago – RT editor-in-chief

Former Foreign Secretary of India and RT contributor Kanwal Sibal sharply criticized the renewed US attack on Russian media, expressing confidence that New Delhi would by no means participate in it.

“This will be viewed as double standards by the Global South that they are trying to target. India will obviously not be responsive to such American pressure,” he stated.



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