Russian evidence mirrors RFK, Tucker, Elon, Tulsi claims. Yet another ‘all of society’ blob with a life of its own.
Naming names – from a Russian report on the US bioweapon / vaccine mega-blob.
Main takeaway: I’m new to this subject, and after writing this article and letting it age for a day or two (always a good idea when you venture into something new and complicated), I realized that the best insight I’ve had since reading up on this and trying to make sense of it, is that massive US security state funding of bioweapons for decades has created a ‘blob’ which has gobbled up huge sections of society – including big pharma and our medical system.
Our vaccine addiction is very much a result of this biowar funding. Here, I’m borrowing heavily from the ideas of Mike Benz who has described a similar phenomenon in the ‘censorship industrial complex’.
I am convinced that Benz’s work is a hugely important event which is still underestimated. It got major exposure due to a recent Tucker video, and people are starting to catch on. I can’t urge you enough to follow him on Twitter and understand what he is saying. His links and the Tucker video are below in the article.
One of Benz’s central insights is that massive security state funding for years, and the need to bypass laws, leads to a ‘whole of society’ phenomenon, where the security state coopts entire sectors of society – media, academia, government, IT, etc. – in order to pursue their censorship goals. He calls it ‘the blob’. He dates its beginnings from 2016.
While thinking about this whole bioweapons / vaccine connection, I realized that it is very similar. In this case the massive funding has been going on for decades, and it has been much larger. The result of both is equally dangerous – to me, shutting down free speech is as bad as being poisoned by bioweapons and vaxes.
Here’s the article I originally wrote. The most important insight is the parallel with Benz’s ideas.
(Moscow, Russia.) Most would likely agree that we are witnessing a grand struggle between good and evil. The list of revealed horrors is long, some more terrifying than others. My list of some of the worst: the poisoning of our food, water, and air; wholesale election fraud, massive government programs to eliminate free speech, mass surveillance, the genocide of the Palestinians, and a very real possibility of WW3 breaking out.
It’s a pitched battle, with both sides scoring wins and losses across a wide front. When I ask, where might the good guys be vulnerable?, where might the bad guys deal a devastating blow?, one of the scariest, and sadly, entirely plausible options would be to unleash a devastating bioweapon on the world. I’ve thought that ever since Covid hit us, and before that even.
More and more indisputable evidence is coming out that, unfortunately, this is a very real possibility: it turns out that the US has an enormous, secretive, bioweapons program going back to 1947, and that over the last two decades it has exploded in size and funding.
Its scale has ballooned so large and is so complex that it defies simple description, but researchers, politicians, whistleblowers, journalists, and bureaucrats around the world are slowly piecing things together – and Russia has much to add in connecting the dots.
According to RFK Jr. 13,000 scientists around the world are currently employed by it, funded by many $billions, toiling away in some 400 labs, concocting who knows what horrors, new vaccines and bioweapons in tandem, costing many $billions in direct expenses, and who knows how many hundreds of $billions or even $trillions of indirect cost to society.
Some argue that this blob, if not stopped, and if it doesn’t decimate humanity with disease, could bankrupt the West (see below). Nobody knows which weapons might already be developed, waiting to be deployed, or how close deluded scientists are to some sinister breakthrough.
As a journalist living in Moscow for many years, I know that Russian media have been talking about this going back to Soviet times, and no, it’s not ‘propaganda’. There is a community of experts in Russia whose work in one way or another intersects with this subject – journalists, scientists, the Russian military, bureaucrats, etc, and they have been saying all along that US activity in this area is far more extensive and nefarious than the Western public realize.
It broke into the headlines during and around Russia’s invasion of Georgia in 2008, with Russian claims that there were mysterious US biolabs there, most likely for military applications. The topic became hot during the current conflict in Ukraine, when Russia claimed to have seized similar labs there, along with incriminating documents.
And then there is the Covid debacle, with both Russian and Chinese governments now charging that Covid was a US bioweapon released either deliberately or accidentally.
What led me to write this article (or perhaps series) is that I recently became aware that a similar narrative is gaining traction in the US. The biggest impact comes from a new book from RFK Jr. Some may recall that he recently published a book absolutely trashing Fauci, and think that’s the one.
How many books can this guy write, and run for president too? But it’s not that one, the one I’m talking about came out in December of last year, after the Fauci one, and it’s called ‘The Wuhan Coverup’. The title doesn’t really convey the main gist, which is that the US has an enormous bioweapons program which threatens to swallow the whole world. It’s being ignored by blob media, but praised in honest media.
Russian evidence mirrors RFK, Tucker, Elon, Tulsi claims
But it’s not just RFK. Tucker, Elon, Tulsi, and Rand Paul are on to it.
Rand Paul recently announced new congressional hearings. Last time he did this in 2022 he absolutely mauled Fauci, exposing him as a liar and a crook.
And there are many excellent journalists drilling in, more about them below.
There is good cause to suspect that what Russia has to contribute to unraveling this story might be highly valuable. For decades under the Soviet Union, Russia had a bioweapons program which was discontinued after the collapse of the USSR, now revived (purely defensively the Russians claim), due to the US rapidly pursuing theirs. This means generations of top level scientists and spooks with substantial funding whose job it is to understand how these weapons are developed, what the US is doing, what these weapons are capable of, the evidence that they are being developed, and how to defend against them. There are very few countries in the world with the scientific and intel resources and expertise to be a force in this field, and Russia is squarely in the top 3, along with China and the US.
‘Unraveling’ is the right term here, because the emerging picture is so complex and broad that it is difficult even for experts to piece together, obscured in a morass of science gobbledegook, spanning political structures, big pharma, the media, and academia, and ‘philanthropy’, to mention a few.
In no way do I claim, or desire to be an expert. Shudder the thought. Blood sports, i.e. history and politics, were always my thing, and more recently, Christianity. When people natter on about cells and membranes, genomes and DNA helixes or whatever, honestly, I get impatient. But when I realized that these two parallel narratives were developing in Russia and the West, largely independent of each other, it occurred to me that it would likely be a public service to bridge the two, and make what the Russians are saying more accessible to Western audiences and researchers. My well credentialed incompetence in science is an advantage, forcing me to explain things in terms that a wide audience can understand.
Surely you are familiar with the phenomenon of journalists throwing $10 words around, desperately trying to hide that they have no idea what they are talking about? I’m not making that mistake. I freely admit I don’t understand the science behind all this, nor do I care to, or have the time. What I can do is connect some dots which are simple and obvious. My goal is to make this as accessible as possible to a broad public, because what we are being told is very, very important, and ranks, as I said above, as one of the worst of the worst threatening us.
More evidence that Kennedy et al are onto something is a raft of articles one quickly finds on the interwebs from the usual, blob sponsored suspects, arguing exhaustively, citing ‘experts’, that all these claims are nonsense or Russian propaganda. $10 word articles. That’s often a sure sign that something is up.
I shied away from even taking on this mess due to its complexity. The amount of time it takes to even superficially understand it is cost prohibitive. Perhaps some of you are familiar with Mike Benz’s invaluable and ground-breaking work in exposing the ‘censorship-industrial complex’. Best to follow him on Twitter.
I believe this bioweapons disaster is as big, as important, and as complicated, and bears similarities, in the way that a massive amount of government funding has fostered and co-opted entire industries and sectors, creating a blob that has a life of its own, and how it is driven by the spook state.
The difference between Benz and me is that he spent 5 years unraveling it, while I’ve spent a couple of afternoons (sorry, it’s all I’ve got). I’m writing this because I think it’s important, and really don’t want my kids or yours to get zapped by a psychopath sponsored super-bug.
I’ll start with nutshelling the picture emerging from the West. The heavy lifting is in Kennedy’s book:
- US secret services have been obsessed with bioweapons since the end of WW2, when, in their brilliance, they embraced them as a great way to fight the USSR.
- A long and grisly history of the US using them against opponents over the decades, and of testing them on their own population and other countries, all kept top secret.
- Vaccine development is inherent in bioweapons development, because the whole idea of bioweapons is to invent one, and then come up with a vaccine for it, so that you can use it on your opponent without your side getting sick.
- The driver of gain-of-function research is not antidotes to diseases, rather invention of bioweapons.
- Deep state used 9/11 to justify massive expansion of program, fed deceptively to the public as defensive measures against ‘terrorism’.
- Huge amounts of your tax $ have been spent on this, many, many billions, sucking huge numbers of brains out of science that might actually help humanity. The funding is so large that it has swallowed and corrupted the whole medical, pharma, academia, publishing, public health agency panopoly, with everything now focused on weapons and vaccines and pandemic response, i.e. lockdowns, censorship, etc.. A lot of the funding has come in in true spook style, through cutouts and fake ‘foundations’.
- This research was done all over the world, including, counterintuitively, in collaboration with the Chinese. (the book provides a good explanation of why this actually makes sense).
- Covid was a US bioweapon which was released, either accidentally or deliberately.
- There are currently US connected 400 bioweapons labs scattered around the world, fed by this gusher of money coming from US taxpayers.
- This blob is demanding, among other things, Orwellian tracking, surveillance, and censorship, because it’s a ‘national security’ issue. The whole thing has morphed into one of the biggest drivers of globalism.
- Conclusion – shut the whole damn thing down before it destroys humanity.
I didn’t have time to read it. I got this from an excellent and more detailed descriptionof it from Debbie Lerman’s Substack. Highly recommend reading for more eye-popping details.
I want to keep this as short and accessible as possible, so just real quick, some more good stuff. One of my favorite investigative journalists, Larry Romanoff, who for reasons I don’t fully understand is not widely followed in the West, (he’s an American living in China) just made a devastating info-drop on the subject. He used to be published on Unz, but that stopped for some reason, and he doesn’t do social media.
It is basically a book, released in the form of 17 articles. It is mostly a shocking history of US bioweapons, but also covers latest developments and also concludes that Covid was a US bioweapon leak. It’s a good complement to Kennedy’s book. Also didn’t have time to read that one, but Romanoff’s previous work is gold (highly recommend checking it out), and from skimming these, it looks like they are too.
One of Romanoff’s contentions is that the CDC masquerades as a civilian health agency, but in fact is part of the US defense establishment, from which it takes its orders. Debbie Lerman reached a similar conclusion. A similar relationship was recently exposed between the RKI (Germany’s version of the CDC) and the German military.

Another valuable contribution comes from Katherine Watt (Substack), a legal researcher who explains how the legislation enforcing all this junk was craftily worked into our laws over decades. Excellent recent podcast with James Delingpole, or a short version on Rumble. Toby Rogers’ Substack also has some good insight explaining how RFK’s theses mean this bioweapons/vaccine program will likely bankrupt Western society entirely, consuming everything around it in sickness.
And of course, well worth following bioclandestine on Twitter or Telegram, thanks to whom I began to become aware of all this stuff.
Here’s a good article about the history of US bioweapons from Aaron Good.
That’s all I have time for today. If you want me to write more, let me know in the comments. The next step would be to lay out what the Russians are saying. I’ve listened to a couple of their podcasts, and talked to one leading expert. I’ve got a call in to General Igor Kirillov’s press people at the Ministry of Defense.
Kirillov, who heads Russia’s bioweapons defense forces, is the heavy artillery in the Russian space on this, bombarding the West with powerpoint presentations with a lot of circles and arrows showing how different parts of the blob work together, naming names, brandishing 20,000 pages of documents purportedly seized in Ukraine allegedly providing receipts. From what I’ve found on the internet I can’t make heads or tales of it, but perhaps they can explain it to me.
His department even makes catchy videos depicting their day to day work. Looks very serious:
A top Russian diplomat has also entered the info fray, and then there’s Vasily Nebenzya at the UN, making similar charges. And there are more Russian journalists and scientists on the job. Surely there is something there, wouldn’t you think?
From what I’ve managed to glean, they are confirming a lot of what Kennedy and others are saying, and predate them. Some of the revelations I’ve encountered are quite newsworthy. There’s some good stuff there, it’s just a matter of digging it out. Like I said, I don’t have much time, but I can easily pick up the easy stuff just sitting on the surface, and lob it into the interwebs. Maybe someone with more ability than me can make some use of it.
Let me know if you want me to follow up on all this.
PS. About this Substack. I’m in Moscow, speak fluent Russian, know a lot of people, and have some good stories to tell. There is so much going on here which doesn’t get reported because there just aren’t many people on the ground who speak Russian well enough to pick this stuff up.
I would gladly write about monarchism, the phenomenon of Westerners moving to Russia for ideological and Christian reasons, the meaning of the Tsar for the world today, fascinating insights into Russian history which reflect very well what is happening today in the West, the true history of the Russian revolution, about the idea that Russia might become a refuge for millions of escapees from the darkening underway in the West, interesting places and people I have met. If this appeals to you, let me know in the comments. I work on a lot of other projects mostly related to Orthodox Christianity, so don’t have a lot of time for this, but if you’re interested, I’ll try.
I’m a Jan. 6 refugee who came here to escape the DC Gulag. I should write about that too. And I used to publish and edit the Russia Insider website, until ZOG went after it.
By Charles Bausman
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