A source claims that NATO powers in coordination with Saudi Arabia are putting the finishing touches to a false flag plot to frame President Bashar Al-Assad’s forces for launching a chemical weapons attack as a pre-cursor to a NATO intervention which will use ambulances as humanitarian cover for a military assault.
The source told Syrian news channel Addounia that a Saudi company had fitted 1400 ambulance vehicles with anti-gas & anti-chemical filtering systems at a cost of $97,000 dollars each, in preparation for a chemical weapons attack carried out by FSA rebels using mortar rounds. A further 400 vehicles have been prepared as troop carriers.
The attack, which will involve the use of white phosphorus, sarin and mustard gas, will be launched on a heavily populated town near the Syria/Jordan border, possibly Daraa, after which the vehicles will pour in under the cover of humanitarian aid.
The ambulances, emblazoned with the slogan “Syrian People’s Relief,” will operate under the guise of an aid mission to help the victims of the chemical weapons attack, but in reality are nothing short of armored personnel carriers.
Traveling from Riyadh to the Jordanian capital Ammam before entering Syria, the vehicles will be used to create a buffer zone that will lead to a NATO military intervention under the pretext of punishing Assad’s regime for the atrocity, the source claims.
The company providing the ambulances is based in Riyadh and is also currently negotiating with the Yemeni government to manufacture military vehicles for the Yemeni Army.
According to the source, a meeting between the head of Saudi news channel Al Arabiya and a U.S. diplomat took place at the U.S. Embassy in the United Arab Emirates.
The purpose of the meeting was to agree upon a conditioning program to prepare the public for the likelihood that Bashar Al-Assad’s forces would use chemical weapons.
Shortly after the meeting, Al Arabiya began running news segments depicting the inevitability of a chemical weapons attack carried out by Assad’s forces.
The report coincides with public statements in recent days from both President Barack Obama and French President Francois Hollande threatening Syria with military action outside the auspices of the UN Security Council if it uses chemical weapons.
During an annual foreign policy speech to French ambassadors on Monday, Hollande warned Assad that any instance of the Syrian Army using chemical weapons against insurgents “would be a legitimate reason for direct intervention” by NATO powers.
He went on to assure FSA rebels that France would not hesitate in recognizing them as the legitimate government of Syria.
On August 20, Obama cautioned that any attempt to deploy or even move Syria’s stockpile of chemical weapons would represent a “red line” and result in direct U.S. military action.
“That would change my calculus; that would change my equation,” said Obama.
Up to 60,000 U.S. ground troops have apparently been prepared as part of a “worst-case scenario” wherein troops would “go into Syria to secure chemical and biological weapons sites following the fall of the Assad government.”
Observers have been warning for months that NATO-backed rebels, with the aid of Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, were preparing to launch a chemical weapons attack that would be blamed on Assad, noting how rebels had been supplied with gas masks.
In addition, as far back as November it was reported that Libya’s new NATO-backed transitional government had agreed to send chemical weapons to Syrian rebels.
In June it was reported that FSA fighters had now acquired those weapons are were training to use them at facilities in Turkey.
The FSA also recently announced that they had taken over a missile site equipped with chemical weapons under the justification that they wanted to prevent the weapons being used by the Syrian government.
It wouldn’t be the first time that a “false flag” attack has been used to demonize the Syrian government in order to grease the skids for military intervention.
As the respected German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) reported, the Houla massacre, which was immediately blamed on Assad’s forces by the establishment media, was in fact carried out by anti-Assad Sunni militants.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.