Iran: This Is What Propaganda Looks Like

Alarmist corporate media coverage of the “threat” from Iran is everywhere, thanks to a Senate appearance yesterday by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. But Clapper said very little in his remarks that would justify…

The War Drums of the New York Times

“Israel Vs Iran” reads Sunday’s cover of the New York  Times Magazine– the words written ominously in ashes from which smoke and flame still rise. Inside the magazine, Ronen Bergman a military analyst for the…

The Iran Crisis and Israeli Nukes

Yesterday upon the stair I met a man who wasn’t there He wasn’t there again today Oh, how I wish he’d go away – William Hughes Mearns, 1899 One of the most uncommented on ironies today…

War for Total Control

It’s an old cliché to say that technology in itself is neither good nor bad, but that all depends on how you use it. In the case of Information and Communications Technologies, and their out-of-control…