A curtain of military censorship is preventing physicians, medical researchers and South Korea’s public health officials from accessing information needed to halt the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). The nation’s first MERS infection was pinned on an 68-year-old Korean businessman who returned to his native Gyeonggi province, 40 km south of the capital Seoul, after visiting an undisclosed location in the Mideast. This first patient remains anonymous and out of reach of the public eye. Ignored in the worldwide media hysteria is a trail of evidence linking the MERS pandemic to virus research under the Pentagon’s biological warfare program. The following facts indicate the South Korean pandemic, which started in late May, may have been caused by a laboratory accident at the JUPITR biowarfare project at Osan U.S. Air Force Base, 40 km south of Seoul. This writer’s opinions are bracketed.

Israel’s Race to Economic (and MORAL) Bankruptcy

Two recent reports suggest that Israel could face catastrophic consequences if it fails to end the mistreatment of Palestinians under its rule, whether in the occupied territories or in Israel itself. The Rand Corporation’s research…


The Salafist Frame of Mind London, Daily the depth and breadth of conflict increases, people are killed and displaced, refugee camps expand as does an expressly archaic and yet perversely modern construct of Islam that…

The Semantics of Terrorism

It is widely believed that “terrorism” is the instrument of the weak, who resort to it out of frustration at their perceived mistreatment and inability to obtain relief by peaceful means. This is a serious…

AMERICA SIDING with ‘Terrorists’ Like al-Nusra: It’s Not a Conspiracy Theory

History suggests otherwise, as well as intelligence reports No apologies for returning today to the strange case of the “moderate” Jabhat al-Nusra rebels, the throat-cutters and executioners who are playing the anti-Isis card to woo the US. Their leader, you may recall, told Qatar’s Al Jazeera channel that his al-Qaeda affiliated warriors will oppose both Isis and Bashar al-Assad – and even protect Syria’s Christian and Alawite minorities. The usual American nomenklatura are telling the world this is tosh. It’s the “conspiracy theorists” who are to blame, they say, for suggesting that the US might send barrel-loads of new weapons to such men. No. The US would never deal with those who are on its infamous, though pointless, “terrorist list”. Besides, Qatar would never promote these killers as moderates – would they?