Trapping Russia to Prove a Negative

The prove-a-negative trap is the Big Lie technique of Nazi propagandist Josef Goebbels: there is no substance to the allegations and there is no obligation to present evidence to verify, thanks to the dutiful and unquestioning nature of Western corporate “journalism”. The United States and its Western allies are trying to ensnare Russia in an audacious disinformation trap over the Ukraine conflict. That trap involves imposing an insoluble conundrum on Vladimir Putin’s government, which we might call “prove a negative”. It is a familiar conceptual device that Washington has used elsewhere, against Iraq and Iran for example, in order to pursue what are otherwise illegitimate geopolitical aims.

Global Trade War US/EU against Brics

Do not be confused. Globalists whether Wall Street capitalists, corporatists, collectivist authoritarians or devoted internationalists, all share a common mindset – a worldwide financial system must control commerce and dictate economic activity. Under this formula, trade has little to do with free market transactions. Monopolies are the rule and real competition is fatal. So when the financial press emphasizes the difference between the IMF – World Bank faction and the newly aligned BRICS association, the conclusion usually misses and ignores that all the players are part of a globalist cabal committed to a New World Order.

Fukushima Daiichi Marine Ecosystem Collapse

Reasons why you should be concerned #1 – Mysterious deadly black fungus being found on fish in Pacific Northwest — Gov’t: There was some concern Fukushima radiation could be involved — Biologists investigating how this…

US Warmongering AND Atrocities: Will Germans again claim they didn’t know

After the Second World War, the German nation professed that they did not know about the massive crimes that were being carried out by Hitler’s Third Reich. While they were applauding his speeches, dressed in lederhosen, plaited hair and quaffing beers in public squares, they would later lament: «We did not know that millions were being exterminated». This weekend, the German public were similarly applauding Obama as he foisted a pile of ludicrous lies and propaganda in their midst. And yet, all the while, American war crimes and crimes against humanity were being committed unabated all around the world. Germany has an onerous responsibility in Europe to call a halt to Washington’s war machine. Are Germans once again going to tell us someday in the future: «We did not know»?

Dick Cheney’s Song of America

Dick Cheney’s Song of America The Plan is for the United States to rule the world. The overt theme is unilateralism, but it is ultimately a story of domination. It calls for the United States…