VIDEO: Libya Civilian Victims Looking for NATO Trial

[anyplayer:url=] When a fog of war clears, it looks something like this. It’s just still not that obvious who is taking responsibility between NATO and the National Transitional Council for the deaths of six people…

Whatever Happened to Al Jazeera?

In the final days of the Libyan conflict, as NATO conducted a nonstop bombing campaign, an  Al Jazeera Arabic television correspondent’s actions raised more than eyebrows. They also raised serious questions regarding the journalistic responsibility…

VIDEO: Protesters Call for Release of Activists in Egypt

[anyplayer:url=] Hundreds of protesters and revolutionary activists demonstrated outside the Cairo Criminal Court to call for the release of the activists summoned by the general prosecutor over their alleged involvement in the 6-day street war…

Syria and Iran: The Great Game

Regime change in Syria is a strategic prize that outstrips Libya – which is why Saudi Arabia and the west are playing their part This summer a senior Saudi official told John Hannah, Dick Cheney’s…

The Middle East Agenda: Oil, Dollar Hegemony & Islam

Transcript – Public Lecture – Perdana Global Peace Forum 2006 Kuala Lumpur – Little has changed in the imperialist tendencies of American foreign policy since the founding of the United States of America in seventeen…