Will 2012 Bring Tribal War to Libya?

The weather in Tripoli this New Year’s weekend is unseasonably bone chilling with heavy rains flooding the streets reminding this observer more of dreary London this time of year than the southern Maghreb coast of…

If threatened, Iran will use Hormuz card

Senior lawmaker Kazem Jalali says if faced with a threat Iran will definitely use the defensive potential of the strategic Strait of Hormuz.     Pointing to the strategic importance of the Strait of Hormuz,…

While Iraq is being partitioned

Iraq was an equation with three unknowns. After the withdrawal of the US, one of the unknowns in this equation was resolved, leaving two parameters to compete with each other. Still, Iraq will be divided…

Intifada Palestine: Catering to Caustic Comments

  I’ve written frequently about unacceptable political behaviour– wars, occupations, deception, hate–the negative things that make the news every day, and some things that never see the light of the media.  A critic of mine…

In West Bank, Israel’s Rule is That of the Jungle

In the hands of this government, which mainly involve moving buildings built on private lands to ‘state lands’, have become instruments to deepen the occupation and obstruct the two-state solution. ******************************** January 02, 2012 “Haartez”…