The embrace of political extremism by the Republican Party in the United States has Constitutional historians worried about the drift towards fascism. If that’s the case then the hapless Biden administration may go down in…
Category: China
For most people, 2020 will be remembered as the year of the ‘virus’ and 2021 will be remembered as the year of the ‘vaccine’. What most people will probably never know is that 2021 is shaping…
Unfortunately for the Davos Guardians, the reality of the New Great Narrative is a world devoid of those very principles that humanity requires to survive and thrive within our creative, reasonable universe. In case you…
It has never been more necessary than now that the EU should finally break away from the highly dangerous policy of the “only world power”, which feels threatened and which is contrary to human rights…
By what right does a private corporation presume to dictate to its users what they may or may not think or post? Gleichschaltung is a German word with a rich history. It stands for the coerced…
“It took Russia twenty years to return to being a normal state with a vibrant economy, powerful armed forces and self-respect, but Russians still had a nation, even in those horrifying times of the…
58 years after the murder of President Kennedy, over 500 documents remain illegally classified by the government in spite of years of promises to make everything public according to the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act…
IN MEMORY OF JFK … In April 1954, Kennedy stood up on the Senate floor to challenge the Eisenhower Administration’s support for the doomed French imperial war in Vietnam, foreseeing that this would not be a short-lived…
“Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age. And have been for six months. This chart may seem unbelievable or impossible, but it’s correct, based on…
Epidemiologist Dr Paul Elias Alexander is a former assistant professor at McMaster University in evidence-based medicine and research methods. He’s also a former COVID Pandemic evidence-synthesis consultant advisor to WHO-PAHO Washington, DC (2020) and former senior advisor…