Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War by Michel Chossudovsky Available to order from Global Research in print AND pdf formats! CLICK TO LEARN MORE The US has embarked on…
Category: EU
When former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was asked whether half a million dead Iraqi children who perished under US sanctions was a price worth paying to try to remove Saddam Hussein,…
It’s been five years since a few academics and journalists began to dig up evidence that something was wrong with the London Inter-Bank Offered Rate, or LIBOR (pronounced appropriately as “lie-bore.”) The data that curious researchers were…
The West’s hypocrisy and oil-greed are coming home to roost with a vengeance in Libya as the Arab spring in that country turns into a nightmarish winter characterized by armed gangs, economic collapse,…
Incisive and provocative analysis first published by Global Research in August 2003. You might think that reading about a Podunk University’s English teacher’s attempt to connect the dots between the poverty of American education and the gullibility of the American public may be a little trivial, considering we’ve embarked on the first, openly-confessed imperial adventure of senescent capitalism in the US, but bear with me. The question my experiences in the classroom raise is why have these young people been educated to such abysmal depths of ignorance.
“I don’t read,” says a junior without the slightest self-consciousness. She has not the smallest hint that professing a habitual preference for not reading at a university is like bragging in ordinary life that one chooses not to breathe. She is in my “World Literature” class. She has to read novels by African, Latin American, and Asian authors. She is not there by choice: it’s just a “distribution” requirement for graduation, and it’s easier than philosophy -she thinks.
This section attempts to explain the difference between Right-Wing and Left-Wing (Conservative and Liberal) Governments and Societies, and to offer an understanding of the implications of this political and social ideology An Introduction to Ideology…
Preface: All capitalist systems have some inequality. We don’t want to prevent all inequality … just economy-wrecking levels: Lawrence Katz, a Harvard economist, adds that some inequality is necessary to create incentives in a…
Those who have been successful in society anywhere in the world either in business, the professions, academia or political achievements fall into two categories: either they consider themselves fortunate, or attribute their achievements…
Sisyphus and power complete for publication: FULL SPECTRA—NOT SPECTRUM—DOMINANCE The U.S. Imperium and its Neocon, Neoliberal and bi-partisan theoretician-apologists like to use the term “full-spectrum dominance”. Actually, for what they really mean, they should really refer to “full-spectra dominance” because what they are really referring to and intend is the quest for dominance over all the different types of spectra or ranges of dominance requisite for the continuance and expanded reproduction of U.S. Imperialism globally. They seek dominance—not parity or security—over differing types of dynamic (shifting) spectra or ranges (plural) as suggested by their research funding and deployments of: … The language the theoreticians of the U.S. Imperium use is always the language of authority and dominance. It is the language of grandiosity and hubris embodied in notions of some kind of “Manifest Destiny” as their self-and-summarily-asserted “authority” for forms of hegemony they are determined not to allow any other nation or force to even attempt parity let alone achieve dominance. The first of the immigrants and genocidal maniacs into North America, the Pilgrims, were Calvinists and proto-fascists who spoke of creating a “City-on-the-Hill” example for all other societies to emulate.
The Federal Reserve© ‘All rights reserved’ as Ben Bernanke would like to say. **Read entire article inside Freedom Informant Network!** First off, The Federal Reserve is not ‘federal’ at all, and THERE ARE NO RESERVES…