Saudi Arabia and Qatar Unite Against Israel

VIDEO: Saudi Arabia and Qatar Unite Against Israel


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According to the Saudi Press Agency, the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly criticised Israel’s bombardment of the Qatari Committee for the Reconstruction of Gaza’s offices on Monday.

Welcome everyone, in today’s video; we’re going to tell you Saudi Arabia and Qatar Unite Against Israel According to the ministry, the attack was a “continuation of Israel’s pattern of violations of all international laws and conventions.”

But before we proceed the further video, if you’re new to this channel, remember (go ahead and) to hit the bell icon to subscribe, so you won’t miss the informative videos we will upload in the future Saudi Arabia and Qatar Unite Against Israel It also emphasized the Kingdom’s sympathy with Qatar and asked the international community to fulfill its commitments as quickly as possible by putting an end to Israel’s “atrocities against civilians, hospitals, and key infrastructure” in Gaza.

According to the Kuwaiti and Qatari foreign ministries, the bombing of the headquarters is an extension of Israel’s policy of targeting Palestinians, especially given that the committee works to alleviate the suffering of Gaza’s inhabitants as a result of the siege and continued aggression.

Qatar has urged Israel to cease targeting people, civilian infrastructure, and health facilities with “insignificant arguments.” It also urged Israel to stop circulating false information.

Similar declarations were released by the UAE, Oman, and Jordan, urging for an urgent ceasefire to protect civilian lives and facilitate the unhindered delivery of humanitarian aid.

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Secretary General, Jasem Mohamed Al-Budaiwi, condemned the Israeli military’s conduct, saying the bombing demonstrated the Israeli forces’ cruelty and irresponsibility.

Al-Budaiwi criticised Israel’s disdain for civilian lives, citing the targeting of committee headquarters, hospitals, schools, residential areas, and shelters.

The GCC Secretary General praised the Qatari Committee for its significant contributions to Gaza’s reconstruction efforts, while also urging the international community to take immediate steps to resolve the crisis, such as a cessation of hostilities and the establishment of secure corridors for humanitarian aid delivery.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) also condemned the bombing, calling it part of Israel’s ongoing military aggression against Palestinian citizens and key infrastructure.

The OIC asked the international community to step in and force Israel to follow international humanitarian law and applicable United Nations resolutions.

The organisation cited a recent United Nations General Assembly resolution underlining the importance of protecting people, civilian facilities, and humanitarian personnel.

The Arab League Secretary-General, Ahmad Abul-Gheit, reiterated the outrage, calling the strike a “war crime.”

Such activities, according to Abul-Gheit, should not go unpunished, emphasising the criminal nature of Israeli operations.

Late Monday, Arab and Islamic countries and organisations issued comments criticising Israel’s bombardment of the Qatar Committee for Gaza Reconstruction offices.

Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman, Egypt, and Jordan, as well as the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, all criticised Israel’s airstrikes on the headquarters of the Gaza rehabilitation committee.


Published by EnviRio



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