Second International Conference for Peace and Prosperity in Korea

Second International Conference for Peace and Prosperity in Korea


A conference for global stakeholders from Europe, Asia and the U.S. for a peace treaty to end the Korean War


Date: November 23 to 27

Location: Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin, Germany

A collaborative Steering Committee for a DPRK-U.S. Peace Treaty will hold a second international seminar in Berlin to present and discuss the following themes:

n  Power structures of Northeast Asia and the characteristics of its security issues

n  Impact of U.S. strategies toward Northeast Asia on local politics

n  South-North security issues in the Korean peninsula and recent political developments

The Checkpoint Charlie Konferenzraum in Berlin, Germany, once the site of the highly militarized gate between East and West Berlin, will be the venue for this historic international seminar.

The seminar will feature representation from key scholars and peace strategists from the following countries: Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, North Korea, Norway, Russia, South Korea, Ukraine, United States, Vietnam, and so on.


Background:  In the first seminar, held in Potsdam, Germany in November 2013, participants reviewed the history of division and current situation of the Korean peninsula, including the confrontations and conflicts since the ceasefire of 1953 when the armistice was signed by North Korea and the U.S  The group shared a common understanding that a peace treaty was urgently needed for the peace in the Korean peninsula.


This second seminar will look ahead to strategies and policies for the future. The conference will include two seminar days, November 24-26, with findings and press conference to be presented November 27.


Conference cosponsors:

Netzwerk der Exilkoreaner in Europa

Korean American National Coordinating Council

The Answer Coalition


There will be a wrap-up press conference on November 27. Details on this will be provided closer to the date. For more information, please contact:

In Europe:

Netzwerk der Exilkoreaner in Europa

Waldweg 1

37412 Herzberg, Deutschland

Vorsitzende  Dr. J.S. Noltemeyer

Tel : +495521 2817


Fax: +495521986605

Email :


In the U.S.:

Korean American National Coordinating Council

475 Riverside Drive, #1368

New York, NY 10115




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