The journalist-combatants of Baba Amr

Is the crackdown on Baba Amr the biggest political masquerade since 9/11? This is what Thierry Meyssan sets out to prove in a exclusive serialized account published by Voltaire Network. In this first installment, he…

Is Israel Driving the Threat of War?

There is a lot of speculation in the U.S. press and among opponents of attacking Iran, that Israel is pushing for an attack on Iran and driving the war danger, while the Obama administration is…

The Washington Post: One state for Palestinians and Israelis

For decades the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has eluded well-intentioned peacemakers. Diplomats have talked, shaken hands, snapped photos — and returned home from summits with strikingly little to show for their efforts.  Meanwhile,…