Syria: One Country, Two Stories

The battle that has been raging in the southern Syrian city of Homs and that now seems to have been resolved with a ‘win’ for the government, though it would seem at a terrible cost…

Threats Against Iran are Criminal Under International Law

Brazilian Foreign Affairs Minister Reprimands Ban Ki-moon Last week, Brazil’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Antonio Patriota, reminded Ban Ki-moon regarding his role as UN Secretary General. it referred to the issue of criminal actions in derogation…

Syria: A Conspiracy Revealed

We have met the enemy and he is us. — Walt Kelly, 1913-1973   It was political analyst Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, in November 2006, who wrote in detail of US plans for the Middle East. …

U.S. Threatens Pakistan: Drop Iran Pipeline

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has threatened Pakistan with sanctions if the country continues with plans to build a natural gas pipeline to Iran.   Win McNamee/Getty Images   The U.S. is moving to…

US Media Hypes Iran Inspection Flap

Major U.S. news outlets spin any event regarding Iran’s nuclear program in the most negative way, now hyping a dispute about conditions for visiting a military site as supposed proof that Iran has something to…