The journalist-combatants of Baba Amr

Is the crackdown on Baba Amr the biggest political masquerade since 9/11? This is what Thierry Meyssan sets out to prove in a exclusive serialized account published by Voltaire Network. In this first installment, he…

Is Israel Driving the Threat of War?

There is a lot of speculation in the U.S. press and among opponents of attacking Iran, that Israel is pushing for an attack on Iran and driving the war danger, while the Obama administration is…

Clinton: Al Qaeda, U.S., Helping Syrian Rebels

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has admitted that Al-Qaeda and other groups on the State Department’s terror list are on the same side as the United States in Syria and that they are aiding opposition…

Hillary Clinton and Middle East War Crimes

Testifying before a Senate committee Tuesday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated that Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad could be branded a “war criminal.” “Based on definitions of war criminal and crimes against humanity, there would…

Syria: One Country, Two Stories

The battle that has been raging in the southern Syrian city of Homs and that now seems to have been resolved with a ‘win’ for the government, though it would seem at a terrible cost…