Foreign Troops Already Involved In Syrian War

We’ve repeatedly noted that the U.S. government planned regime change in Syria at least 20 years ago. Indeed, carrying out acts of violence and blaming it on the Syrian government as an excuse for regime…

Zionists Chair Syrian Opposition Meeting in France

1.  Key Zionist philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy; former French Minister of Foreign Affairs; 2.  Major advocate of the war against Iraq Bernard Kouchner; 3.     Member of the youth movement in the Israeli right wing Likud party…

THE ROVING EYE: Syria through a glass, darkly

The current Syrian drama is far from the usual, clear-cut “good guys vs bad guys” Hollywood shtick. The suspension of the Arab League observers mission; the double veto by Russia and China at the UN…

Iran: War Drums Beating

Landing signal officers guide a jet onto the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis in the North Arabian Sea, January 4, 2012. Iran’s military sharpened its tone toward the United States with a blunt warning…