According to Britain’s Telegraph, in a recent report, the US TOW antitank missiles that US President Barack Obama sent in October to the Islamic Sunni fighters in Syria to use against the forces of the non-sectarian Shiite ruler there, Bashar al-Assad, have been so effective against Russia’s forces that Assad had invited in, that Russia – defending (upon Syria’s legal request) President Assad’s forces, and attacking the jihadists imported into Syria by the Saudis and the West – is now being forced to send into the battle Russia’s costly T-90 tanks, which are less vulnerable to America’s missiles. «The deployment of the T-90s appears to reflect Moscow’s frustration at this failure [‘getting sucked into a costly and possibly lengthy fight’], as well as concern over the damage inflicted by the rebels’ anti-tank missiles, themselves supplied by the regime’s arch-rivals in the Gulf states [specifically Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, and Kuwait] and Turkey». All of those invading nations (other than the United States) are controlled by Sunni aristocrats, supporters and enforcers of Sharia Law, who (backed up by the US) intend to take over and control the existing non-secular government of Syria, which is run by Bashar al-Assad, and impose Sharia Law.
Category: The 9/11 Questions
We must expose and prosecute them NOW, or drown in blood In a statement recorded for the False Flag Islamophobia Conference, Islamic scholar and global affairs analyst Shaykh Imran Hosein has predicted an unprecedented wave of false flags on the heels of the recent shootings in Paris and San Bernadino. “I’m anticipating an avalanche of false flags,” he asserted, pointing out that the CIA-Mossad group ISIS has created a stable of tens of thousands of potential patsies to be manipulated by Western intelligence agencies. Shaykh Imran Hosein presenting to the False Flag Islamophobia Conference Shaykh Imran Hosein presenting to the False Flag Islamophobia Conference Shaykh Imran said the coming wave of false flags, like the Paris and San Bernadino shootings, will aim at stampeding Western public opinion toward increased involvement in Syria. The ultimate goal, he said, is a Zionist-instigated “malhama,” an apocalyptic World War III between the US and Russia.
The controversy over what really happened in San Bernardino last week is just beginning to heat up. Right after the lawyers for the alleged attacker’s family said that they do not believe the suspects did it,…
In recent weeks one nation after another is falling over themselves, literally, to join the turkey shoot known, erroneously, as the war in Syria, ostensibly against the Islamic State or Daesh. The most wanted but…
A video presentation from CNN: As CNN has reported, an attorney in the case has stated bluntly that the government’s account of what happened in San Bernadino “does not add up.” One think we…
So what exactly have they been bombing? Just over a month ago on Friday 23rd October 2015, The Express reported the following obliteration of an ‘ISIS held’ oil field by a Russian and American attack: The terrorists’ oil…
In the wake of Turkey’s shoot down of the Russian Su-24, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called the attack a planned provocation. He went further on to suggest the US had given Turkey permission to shoot down the Jet. He explained that countries using US manufactured weapons must ask the US for permission before using them in operations. The aircraft used to shoot down the Su-24 was a US-made F-16. Indeed, there is evidence to suggest that not only did the US give Turkey permission, but that it was moving the strings behind the entire operation. Two Russian aircrafts were attacked that day, but the second was a far less publicised incident. A Russian helicopter was destroyed by the CIA backed FSA using US provided Anti-Tank TOW missiles. The helicopter was on a rescue mission to find the missing Su-24 pilots and the attack resulted in the death of a Russian Marine.
The Real Reason for Turkey’s Shoot-down of the Russian Jet The United States and its NATO allies offered a ritual of NATO unity after Turkish officials presented their case that the shoot-down of a Russian jet occurred after two planes had penetrated Turkish airspace. The Turkish representative reportedly played a recording of a series warning the Turkish F16 pilots had issued to the Russian jets without a Russian response, and US and other NATO member states endorsed Turkey’s right to defend its airspace. US Defense Department spokesman Colonel Steve Warren supported the Turkish claim that 10 warnings had been issued over a period of five minutes. The Obama administration apparently expressed less concern about whether Russian planes had actually crossed into Turkish airspace. Col Warren admitted that US officials have still yet to establish where the Russian aircraft was located when a Turkish missile hit the plane.
Now that the dust has settled in Paris from the latest “False Flag” mission to herd the sheepleinto a pen of jingoistic fervor, the blood flow coming out of the latest version of Comité De…
The giant psychological warfare operation, where “ISIS terrorists” allegedly killed over a hundred people in Paris, on Friday the 13th, November, 2015, was just part of ongoing horse trading towards a world government. To understand this, let us look at some key events surrounding the events in Paris. First of all, the fact that thousands of witnesses all carrying video phones were unable to record the events of that day alone proves it was just a massive propaganda event, NSA and other sources agree. In addition, all 8 security camera feeds to the areas where the supposed massacres took place had been shut off, implying high level cooperation from the French security police, CIA sources say.