Ever wondered why The Chosen Ones are so hoochie-coochie with the Saudis? Brace yourself. The Sauds were originally Sabbatean Jews. Here’s An article from some years back… Why I Would Be A Better King For Arabia…

The US Proxy Wars: Syria is the Latest

America’s Disastrous Proxy Wars: Syria is the Latest Ever since the decisive military victory by the Allies over the Axis powers in World War II, the United States has fought an alternating series of all-out military campaigns and proxy wars. The Korean War resulted in a stalemate with North Korea, therefore the United States decided to engage in a series of low-level proxy wars in Cuba, the former Belgian Congo, Tibet, Laos, and Indonesia using client states and mercenary armies. In the mid-1960s, not content with the low-level proxy war it was fighting in South Vietnam that relied on U.S. military «advisers» and local forces, the United States committed over a half million troops to «fight communism» in Southeast Asia.

Russia Destroys Greater Israel Dream

The grand plan was going swimmingly. The concept of endless wars for Greater Israel was working and producing impressive results. Opportunistically, through aggravation of war after war, chunk by chunk of Arab land was usurped and the map of Greater Israel was slowly materializing. No matter the unstable chaos surrounding the State of Israel for the past seven decades, and no matter the undying Palestinian resistance and the violent Intifadas that erupted internally, the Zionist dream of Greater Israel remained consistently intact and was progressing unabated and unchallenged by anyone. But dreams, by their diaphanous nature are easily interruptible – can easily turn into sudden nightmares. Indeed, dreams do, in the blink of an eye, simply end.

America Reels as Putin “Redline’s” Israel

The New Great Game in Eurasia advanced in leaps and bounds last week after Russia fired 26 cruise missiles from the Caspian Sea against 11 ISIS/ISIL/Daesh targets across Syria, destroying all of them. These naval…