News is comprised of a few stories amplified across a vast network of media owned by a very few. And here’s the proof You know who’s line they tow People back home ask me; “Why are…
Category: The 9/11 Questions
Australia’s reaction to revelations that its citizens were fighting for IS follows a pattern of intellectual and state fear-mongering. AAP/Lukas Coch Governments contrive moral panics to consolidate domestic political support. An alleged “existential” foreign threat…
U.S. foreign policy is dangerous, undemocratic, and deeply out of sync with real global challenges. Is continuous war inevitable, or can we change course? (Photo: Alex Alvisi / Flickr) There’s something fundamentally wrong with U.S….
As the globalists’ vision for a one world totalitarian government unfolds in rapid sequence of their long plotted New World Order, a parallel process is also quietly unfurling in the covert formation of a globalized international military fighting force. The US Joint Special Operations Command Forces have built a notorious reputation as death squads known for conducting middle of the night raids, murdering entire families in the process along with detaining targeted suspects in both Iraq and Afghanistan and now all over the world. Because Special Forces by their very nature are highly secretive and virtually unaccountable to everyone, including our own government, we never hear much about this global elite killer machine.
It is often remarked that proponents of the prevailing international order, despite their rhetoric about freedom and democracy, eagerly support dictators, warlords and other autocrats in order to preserve the status quo. However, this tendency…
The Salafist Frame of Mind London, Daily the depth and breadth of conflict increases, people are killed and displaced, refugee camps expand as does an expressly archaic and yet perversely modern construct of Islam that…
History suggests otherwise, as well as intelligence reports No apologies for returning today to the strange case of the “moderate” Jabhat al-Nusra rebels, the throat-cutters and executioners who are playing the anti-Isis card to woo the US. Their leader, you may recall, told Qatar’s Al Jazeera channel that his al-Qaeda affiliated warriors will oppose both Isis and Bashar al-Assad – and even protect Syria’s Christian and Alawite minorities. The usual American nomenklatura are telling the world this is tosh. It’s the “conspiracy theorists” who are to blame, they say, for suggesting that the US might send barrel-loads of new weapons to such men. No. The US would never deal with those who are on its infamous, though pointless, “terrorist list”. Besides, Qatar would never promote these killers as moderates – would they?
Dick Cheney’s Song of America The Plan is for the United States to rule the world. The overt theme is unilateralism, but it is ultimately a story of domination. It calls for the United States…
Image Credits: Gage Skidmore, Wiki Commons. Redacted pages thought to hold key info about Saudi involvement in attacks Senator Rand Paul is on board with an ongoing effort to release government documents pertaining to the…
The Bilderberg Group will coalesce June 9-14th in the Austrian Mountains at the Interalpen Hotel. How many of these instigators of widespread tyranny will be discussing their million-dollar safe bunkers where they can hide…