Europe of June 1914 and of June 2014. Hundred years in between, two hot and one cold war. The League of Nations, Cristal Night, Eurosong and Helsinki Decalogue Coco Chanel, VW, Marshall Aid, Tito, Yuri Gagarin, Tolkien’s troll, Berlin…
Category: Anis H. Bajrektarevic
Anis H. Bajrektarevic is former legal practitioner and the president of Young Lawyers Association of BiH Bar (late ‘80s). Former MFA official and career diplomat (early ‘90s). Research Fellow at the Institute for Modern Political-history analyses, Dr. Bruno Kreisky Foundation and the Legal and Political Advisor for CEE at the Vienna-based Political Academy, Dr. Karl Renner (mid ‘90s). Later, he served as a Senior Legal Officer and Permanent Representative to the UN Office in Vienna (Liaison unit with Governments and IOs) at the HQ of the Intergovernmental Organization ICMPD. Prof. Bajrektarevic is the author of dozens ILAW/JHA– and SD–related presentations, publications, speeches, seminars, research colloquiums as well as of numerous public events (round tables & study trips, etc.). He lives in Vienna, Austria.
While the world’s attention remains focused on Ukraine, Crimea is portrayed as its hotbed. No wonder as this peninsula is an absolutely pivotal portion of the Black Sea theatre for the very survival of the…
SC – SEA CONTENTS 1 Introduction 2 Insurance- Development and Purpose 2.1 Insurance Origins 2.2 Insurance and Ideology 2.2.1 Islam and Insurance 2.3 Risk 2.3.1 Probability 2.3.2 Types of risk 3 Insurance 3.1 Protection against…
Is There Life After Facebook: Geopolitics of Technology and other Foreign Policy Essays Publisher’s Summary In this monograph of essays, the author has skillfully blended history, evolutionary biology, geopolitics, international law and foreign policies, technology,…
The EU of social welfare or of generational warfare, the continent of debt-bound economies or of knowledge-based community? Is the predatory generation in power? Why the only organizedcounter-narrative comes as a lukewarm Mouse Mickey – between Anonymous and Pirate party,from the Wiki-leaky to Snowden-picky….
Both are fully devoted, supported and promoted by the social media. Highly polarizing, both are fracturing any consensus. What is Lady Gaga (or similar sort of stage-acting à la Pussy Riot) for the human (gay)…
As the recent maritime contests in both the South and the East China Sea has shown, Beijing underestimated an emotional charge that the territorial disputes carry along, as well as the convenience given to the…
Europe’s redemption lies in the re-affirmation of the Lisbon Strategy of 2000, a ten-year development plan that focused on innovation, mobility and education, social, economic and environmental renewal. * * * * * Back to…
The unrest in the Arab world, which has continued for over a year now, implies one important conclusion beyond any ongoing regional struggle for democracy: It is a reflection about the globally important technological, even…
Ever since, years ago, I coined the expression “McFB way of life” and particularly since my intriguing FB articles (Is there life after Facebook I and II) have been published, I was confronted with numerous…