Kerry Threatens War-Without-End on Syria

Alleged peace-maker John Kerry threatened to wage war-without-end on Syria – if the Middle East country does accept the US demand for regime change. That’s hardly the language of a supposed bona fide diplomat who…

America – the Most Frightened Nation on Earth

America is exceptional alright. It is the most frightened nation on Earth, subjected to hysterical propaganda over decades warning about foreign enemies and ideologies. No wonder its supposed democratic freedom is in so appallingly bad shape,…


The deployment this week of a US missile system in Eastern Europe is another step towards all-out global war. Despite Western propaganda demonizing Russia, the truth is that it is Russian military might that is actually holding the line to prevent such a cataclysm. The United States and its NATO allies are already at war with Russia. This is not hyperbole. It is fact. The US and its allies are amassing weapons and troops on Russia’s borders, and engaging in simulated attacks from various directions. Orwellian language of “war games” in Western media serves to diminish the disturbing fact that NATO forces are preparing offensive strikes on Russia.

Obama in Cuba… History in the Faking

US President Obama said his three-day state visit to Cuba was an «historic opportunity for the two countries to build relations». As he arrived onboard Air Force One with his family, Obama announced: «I look forward to…

Orwell Bienvenue to France – Encore!

France is in the throes of a «secret war» in Libya – in audacious violation of international law. But to report on this criminality is an offense! Welcome to the Orwellian world of double-think that…