FBI Comey, Hillary Should Not Face Criminal Charges: But Who Conducted Investigation?

FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Whose Wife Received $467,500. Director James Comey decided to issue a report two days before the November election confirming that there is no evidence of wrongdoing on the part of Hillary in relation to the recent release of 650,000 Emails on October 28th. First let us outline the official MSM story as presented by the media (November 6): Washington Post echoed by CNN Anderson Cooper et al. What the reports intimate is that the FBI worked assiduously around the clock and found nothing incriminating in the trove of 650,000 emails: From the moment they secured a warrant, dozens of FBI agents worked night and day to analyze a trove of messages that they thought might help advance their probe of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, according to a U.S. official. The pressure was intense. …. The agents’ work, at first, seemed endless. They had to use special software to sift through some 650,000 emails. (WP, November 9, 2016)

Hillary Clinton: Wall Street’s LOSING Horse? Constitutional Crisis, What’s the End Game?

Since the release of FBI Director Comey’s Second letter to the US Congress, the presidential elections process has gone haywire, out of control. The bipartisan political apparatus is in crisis. “I FBI director [James Comey] am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.” Two important questions: WHO IS BEHIND WIKILEAKS WHICH RELEASED THE EMAILS? WHO IS BEHIND FBI DIRECTOR JAMES COMEY?

Obama Protects Terrorists: US Rescue ISIS

Testimonies of Syrian Soldiers Who Witnessed the US Airstrikes These testimonies by Syrian soldiers who are fighting the Islamic State rebels (ISIS-Daesh) confirm what we already know. The United States of America is not fighting the terrorists in Syria. The Obama administration, with the support of its allies including Turkey and Saudi Arabia, is supporting the Islamic State (ISIS Daesh) Obama’s counterterrorism campaign in Syria and Iraq is bogus. Read carefully: The testimonies confirm the unspoken truth: OBAMA IS PROTECTING THE TERRORISTS – We [Syrian soldiers] first thought the aircraft are support to us after the first 2 shots, but we quickly found out that they are targeting our forces aggressively, while we were fighting IS terrorists. The aircraft used cluster bombs against us.

US-NATO-TURKEY INVASION of Northern Syria: CIA “FAILED” TURKEY COUP LAYS Groundwork for Broader Middle East War?

In mid-July, President Erdogan pointed his finger at the CIA, accusing US intelligence of having supported a failed coup directed against his government. Turkish officials pointed to a deterioration of US-Turkey relations following Washington’s refusal to extradite Fethullah Gülen, the alleged architect of the failed coup. Erdogan’s Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag was categorical: “If the US does not deliver (Gulen), they will sacrifice relations with Turkey for the sake of a terrorist” Public opinion was led to believe that relations with the US had deteriorated. This was a hoax. Turkey’s Invasion of Syria The implementation of the Turkish invasion required routine consultations with the US and NATO, coordination of military logistics, intelligence, communications systems, coordination of ground and air operations, etc. To be effectively carried, these endeavors required a cohesive and “friendly” US-Turkey relationship.

Strategies of Global Warfare: War w China & Russia? Washington’s Military Design in AP

It is important to focus on Southeast Asia and East Asia in a broader geopolitical context. China, North Korea as well as Russia are potential targets under Obama’s “Pivot to Asia”, involving the combined threat of missile deployments, naval power and pre-emptive nuclear war. We are not dealing with piecemeal military endeavors. The regional Asia-Pacific military agenda under the auspices of US Pacific Command (USPACOM) is part of a global process of US-NATO military planning. US military actions are carefully coordinated. Major military and covert intelligence operations are being undertaken simultaneously in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia and the Asia Pacific region. In turn, the planning of military operations is coordinated with non-conventional forms of warfare including regime change, financial warfare and economic sanctions.

US “Humanitarian War” against the World

The original source of this article is Global Research. The following  text is a point by point thematic summary of Prof. Michel Chossudovsky‘s presentation at the Science for Peace Conference, Academy of Sciences, Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur,…