“It seems probable that Russia will impose a solution. If, as expected, it becomes clear that the West can’t or won’t negotiate, it will behoove Russia to implement a maximalist solution. Or alternatively, Russia “bargains”…
Category: Mike Whitney
MUST WATCH VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obi849eRuN4&t=951s “Ukraine’s unquestioned strategic center of gravity is its western corridors to the Polish border where the vast majority of its war support enters the country. Their operational center of gravity is…
Some of Us Don’t Think the Russian Invasion Was “Aggression.” Here’s Why. “We are not threatening anyone.… We have made it clear that any further NATO movement to the east is unacceptable. There’s nothing unclear…
“Uncle Sam’s Bio-Weapons Extravaganza” Question– Is the US making bio-weapons in Ukraine? Answer– That’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it? Unfortunately, there’s no simple “yes or no” answer. It’s more complicated than that. Question– Can you…
Did he know his actions would set off alarms in Russia forcing Putin to call up his military and prepare them for a possible invasion to protect his people from– what looked to be– a…
“I went in yesterday and there was a television on and I said, ‘This is genius’. Putin has declared a big portion of the Ukraine as independent…. and I said, ‘How smart is that?’ And…