Latin America and the US: The Apotheosis of Distrust

The year 2013 was shockingly damaging to relations between the U.S. and the countries of Latin America. Edward Snowden’s revelations showed that in the Western Hemisphere, Washington is trying to play only by the rules it itself…

Canadian Intelligence Working in the Interests of the U.S.

The «quiet Canadians», unlike the «quiet Americans» from intelligence agencies, are rarely caught red-handed when performing their duties. However, recently Canadian ambassador Jamal Khokhar was summoned to the Brazilian Ministry of External Relations. Following the…

U.S. Embassy a Center for Sabotage against Venezuela

Venezuelan Minister of Internal Affairs Miguel Rodriguez Torres spoke on national television on a conspiracy of the ultra-right in Miami (U.S.A.), Panama and Colombia whose goal is the physical liquidation of President Nicolas Maduro. The…

Snowden Hasn’t Yet Had the Last Word: TRUTH about the SUSPICIOUS Death of Chaves? Is This WHY US SO NERVOUS?

The threats and ultimatums with which the Obama administration is bombarding potential harborers of Edward Snowden should not surprise anyone. No other reaction from the U.S. authorities is possible. The likelihood that Snowden will be able to find safe haven in one of the countries of South America is fairly high. Whatever limitations his status as a «political refugee» might place on him, he will find a way to continue his fight and to demonstrate the inner workings of the «Exemplary Democracy» and its real attitude toward human rights to the international community.

US Orders and West Faithfully OBEYS: Hunting the Bolivian President’s Plane

It is not that important from what source U.S. intelligence received a signal that Edward Snowden would be transported out of Russia on the airplane of Bolivian President Evo Morales; the important thing is that the information turned out to be disinformation. Through allied governments in Europe – France, Italy, Spain and Portugal – Washington tried to organize a humiliating inspection of the presidential airplane in violation of all international conventions and treaties on the immunity of state leaders… It is difficult to say what the airplane’s pilots felt when at the very last moment the previously agreed-upon air corridors were closed to them and they were denied landings for refueling.

Farewell to Hugo Chavez

Chavez spent his last days in the army hospital of Caracas. The fourth cancer surgery in Cuba failed to improve his health. He took a decision to return. There were rumors going round that it…

Venezuela After Chavez

The leader of Venezuela is gone at 58. He has not had time enough to fulfill even a half of his plans. A man of action, he has set an example for the left-wing forces…