Macron 66%, 34% Le Pen? Election Fraud?

The final tally is Emmanuel Macron 66% against 34% of Marine Le Pen, a historic landslide never seen in France’s recent past. Many have voted for Macron because it meant a vote against Le Pen. They were scared. The massive fear-mongering propaganda against her was successful. The choice was clearly between the Devil and Lucifer, and the vast majority voted for Lucifer. He is slyer. He is killing slowly with a smile, vs. Le Pen’s outspoken, confrontational approach. He does it by continuously administering small doses of poison. Taking over the economy from the 99% for the 1%. It’s the old salami tactic, in new clothes. It’s a fascist economy. People don’t notice until it’s too late.

Slavehood 2017 Has Gone Global, Very Global

When in the 18th and 19th Century African slaves did not ’behave’, they were cruelly beaten sometimes to death as a deterrent for others. They were deprived of food for their families. Their women were…

Syria: Trump May Just have Started World War III

The original source of this article is Global Research President Trump just ordered an US attack of at least 59 Tomahawk missiles from US warships in the Mediterranean Sea on Syria’s al-Shayrat airbase near Homs….

BREXIT – An Agent for Hope?

This is the transcript of an interview with Alex Knyazev from Russia TV24. The occasion is the recent UK Parliament’s go-ahead for BREXIT – despite the massive pressure to reserve the people’s democratic choice. Today’s…