Trump Era: Europe Back to EUROPEANS?

Transcript (slightly expanded) of a Skype interview with Alex Knyazev – Russia TV24, Program ‘Geo-economics’ Since this interview was given, an important event happened, important for world history. Fidel Castro died on 25 November, at…

Hasta Siempre, Dear Comandante Fidel!

The Revolutionary of all Revolutionaries, El Comandante Fidel Castro, died on 25 November 2016, at the age of 90 (1926-2016). But the spirit of his Revolution will live on forever. Fidel, the Leader of the…

Trump, emerging between rigged and rigged as a TSUNAMI for Those Primed by the MSM

The elections may have been rigged, probably by both sides, as the elusive elite, or what’s also called the ’Deep State’, may be divided. It looks like the better ‘rigger’ emerged as the winner. The final popular vote count indicates a slight advantage of Hillary over Trump. Never mind, the system was purposefully designed un-democratically in the 18th Century by American Forefathers, who never really had the intention to create a truly democratic United States of America of equal rights for all. The current electoral system favors vote manipulation especially in Swing States, where popular votes can relatively easily be suppressed or switched by an electronic ‘glitch’.


Imagine, Donald Trump would accede to the US Presidency, an unlikely event with the presstitute media relentlessly slamming, slashing and demonizing him, not unlike they do with President Putin – while cheering no-end for the warmonger Killary, no matter what atrocities she has on her hands and body, no matter that blood is dripping out of her mouth every time she opens it – like Iraq, Libya, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan, Sudan – and more, much more. They want more blood, more than is already covering the entire current Administration’s structure of sociopaths. Blood is weapons, blood is money, blood is more profit, blood is good for business – so said the Washington Post, just slightly translated from ‘war is good for business’. They want more weapon for the military security complex that pays them. But just for a moment, let’s assume, Trump would get elected with such a large margin that voter fraud would be difficult to manage.

US False Flagging New Axis of Evil, Russia-Iran-Syria, China into Nuclear Armageddon?

Is Washington False Flagging the New Axis of Evil … False flagging has hundreds, if not thousands of years of history; successful history that is. Otherwise the method of lying and bullying people into false believes would not have survived the times. But false flags took on a new dimension since 9/11. The subsequent terror acts, including the Arab Spring and ‘Color Revolutions’; downing of a Russian plane over Egypt; shooting down of a Malaysian plane over the Ukraine; Paris murderous shootings at ‘Charlie Hebdo’ and ‘Bataclan’; Brussels; Nice; Munich; Orlando, Florida; San Bernardino, California – to name just a few over the last years – were perpetrated by the very actors claiming to fight terror, namely predominantly the secret services of the US, UK and Israel, the European vassals and NATO.

Syria’s Destruction & West’s Vicious Media

“Five million Syrian people have already been forced to leave their country. Now they are being scattered all over the Middle East: throughout Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, and Turkey. Some have even gone as far…

Germany & French Declared the TTIP Dead

… both Germany and France now request a definite end to the negotiations. This article is loosely based on an TV debate sponsored by PressTV, French Edition. The German Minister of Economy and Vice-Chancellor, Mr….