Brewing COLLAPSE of the Monetary System

Germany has just warned its citizens of an upcoming catastrophe and urged them to stockpile food, water and money for at least 10 days, to be autonomous and independent until the government has caught up putting the necessary public safety systems in place – in case of a ‘catastrophe’. There was no mention on the type of disaster awaiting them. A war, an economic and or monetary collapse, or both? – The warning was later downplayed as part of a ‘routine exercise’ in Germany’s new defense strategy. On a related note, against many Members of Parliament and several ministers, the German Bundeswehr (army) has declared Russia as an enemy nation. This is akin of a declaration of war. The head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Russian State Duma, Alexei Puschkow, has posted the Twitter message: ‘The decision of the German government declaring Russia to be an enemy shows Merkel’s subservience to the Obama administration.’

Turkey – a Failed Coup or a Paradigm Shift Not Only in MENA But Also in the WORLD?

Theories and speculations about the failed military coup in Turkey abound, ranging from a botched CIA coup; to one inspired by Erdogan’s arch-enemy, the self-exiled cleric Fethullah Gulen, now living in Pennsylvania, USA; to a combination of both, CIA-Gulen; to a purposely failed auto-coup by Erdogan and his close military allies – and possibly many more, or combinations of different conspiracies. – The old question Cui Bono is in order. As of now, Erdogan looks like the big winner. He has regained popular support, was able to accuse his ultra-rich preacher enemy, Gulen, as well as Washington as the coup instigators, and he can pursue his new alliance with Russia and renewed friendship with Bashar al-Assad.

Countering IMF Propaganda against Brexit

Peter Koenig Interview with PressTV This is an approximate transcript of a Skype interview with PressTV on IMF’s anti-BREXIT propaganda in Beijing ahead of the G-20 financial officials’ meeting in Chengdu, southwestern China’s. The interview…


Nice – 14th July – Lie Propaganda in Overdrive – Murder is the new Normal Now that the French Secret Services and their foreign associates have read the accounts of ‘false flag’ suspicion in the non-mainstream media, the French Government had to resort immediately to all sorts of doubt deviating maneuvers. – The truck driven through the Bastille Day celebrating masses on Boulevard Anglais, suddenly did not break through the barricade protecting the strip as a pedestrian area for the celebration, but it entered through an unprotected side-street. The ‘drive’ was allegedly prepared days in advance, even with dry runs, according to street cameras and telephone conversations between Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel (MLB), the driver of the truck, and a bunch of friends, whom he also asked to supply him with weapons. Strangely, the videos and telephone conversations emerged just days later.

False Flags in Massproduction: EU, Euro, & NATO Directing Vassals to Oppress Peoples

Another false flag in Würzburg, Bavaria, Germany. A young man attacks four passengers in a train and later a passerby in the street. The scenes repeat themselves now in rapid cadence. Paris, Brussels, Nice, Bangladesh … Same patterns, same motives – and same group of terrorists claiming credit. The lies and propaganda are becoming more flagrant, and, We, the People, just swallow it. No questions asked. For how long? Until it is too late – when we are all militarized and can’t make a move without being watched – or killed for disobedience? How much longer!

July Massacre in Nice, ANOTHER False Flag

Another terror event in France. On Bastille Day; 14th of July, the day commemorating the French Revolution of 1789, the most important French National Holiday. This time in Nice, killing at least 84 people, many children – and leaving scores injured. President Hollande will eventually achieve his objective – being the first country in Europe with permanent Martial Law. He has already declared to extend the current State of Emergency for another three months, when it expires on 26 July. Such a temporary extension is in his power. He will have plenty of time to force it through Parliament – thereby prompting other EU countries to do likewise.