Right now, the American people are like frogs in warm sequester water. For some, inundated with all the corporate media talk about out-of-control spending, the cuts to the deficit feel good right now….
Tag: corporate
The Corporation State, Obey: The Routine Of Obedience Video Documentary “We’re an animal of habit, we live, fight and ultimately die for our habits.” This is a film based on the book “Death…
The Big Banks “Would Just About Break Even In the Absence of Corporate Welfare” The government has propped up the big banks for years through massive, never-ending bailouts and subsidies. Bloomberg noted last year that 77% of JP…
The mainstream media is under threat. And the threat is in the form of what is known as the ‘alternative media’. Decades ago, the ‘underground’ media took the form of pamphlets and booklets….
What the people of the United States have not been told If you listen to the Obama administration and corporate media propaganda campaign, you’ll learn that North Korea is acting provocatively and aggressively…
What’s the greatest way to dishonor Martin Luther King Jr.? Compare him with US President Barack Obama – a servant of an engine for the greatest disparity, inequality, and injustice on Earth – driven by…
“Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds”, by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence Aside from corporate, clandestine and criminal sources, in 2012 the U.S. Intelligence community received 75.4 billion dollars of government…
The same party wins every time. Duopoly power rules. America is a one party state with two wings. Each replicates the other. On major issues mattering most, not a dime’s worth of difference separates them….
Recently, I was boarding the C train in New York City where I encountered a woman who looked to be in her late 70’s sitting on the subway wearing a t-shirt which read: IS…
This is another well-supported compilation of information concerning the Canadian government’s foreign policy under Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Some of the topics have been covered before by Engler, others are new, but for both…