EU Mistakes and Lessons for Future Eurasian Union

The globalization actually encompasses all aspects of private and social life. It also has a dramatic and miserable side of the coin: the differentiation of society, the breakup of traditional interpersonal ties (the decline of…

Absurdity Rules the World: Corporations Run Planet Earth into the Ultimate Abyss

The absurdity of the world today is so blinding that we can barely see through the fog to discern what went so wrong. Plans had been spun for years in the dark underground caves by the enemies of man. The Neoconservatives had it all planned, but one factor was missing. Propaganda had already been working its insidious misinformation. The mass media were already more than willing to play the game of Big Money. Americans were thoroughly indoctrinated to toe the line of Big Power. Respect for power and blind obedience were the result of the U.S. educational system. “I pledge obedience to the flag of the United States of America …” Millions and millions of yes-men had been molded out of the clay of propaganda and history books.

Next On the High-Risk List After Greece

A man walks past the Bank of Greece headquarters with the plaque altered to read “Bank of Berlin” in Athens (AFP Photo/Louisa Gouliamaki) Cyprus, Ukraine, Venezuela, and Spain are among 10 countries, which are most…

Message and the Medium

Nation needs to mobilize its soft power resources to win more hearts Kung fu, pandas or Peking Opera are what one would commonly associate with China – but they are also vital cogs in a…

IMF chief calls on US for more cash

IMF managing director Christine Lagarde has implored the United States to help back-stop debt-ridden European countries, wading neck-deep into bubbling US political waters. Speaking in the US capital, Lagarde said the 187-nation International Monetary Fund…