US Gov't Lied When It Said It Only Bailed Out Healthy Banks: BUT 12 of the 13 BIG Banks Were Going Bust: Cover Up Truth!

The Government’s Entire Strategy Was to Cover Up the Truth We noted in 2011 that the Geithner, Bernanke and Paulson lied about the health of the big banks in pitching bailouts to Congress and the American people: The big banks were all insolvent during the 1980s. And they all became insolvent again in 2008. See this and this. The bailouts were certainly rammed down our throats under false pretenses. But here’s the more important point. Paulson and Bernanke falsely stated that the big banks receiving Tarp money were healthy, when they were not. They were insolvent. Tim Geithner falsely stated that the banks passed some time of an objective stress test but they did not. They were insolvent.

HEGELIAN DIALECTIC: The Rothschild People Speak on The World Economy???

For years activists and researchers have been predicting that the ruling class would begin coming out of the shadows when the world was on the verge of economic collapse, to offer the preplanned solution to the problem that they themselves created. Interestingly enough, in the past week two different members of the Rothschild family have come forward in rare media appearances and editorials to give their comments on the global financial crisis and its implications. They have not yet announced the establishment of a one world currency or massive tax hikes yet, but that’s what many are expecting. Right now though, it seems as if they are just getting warmed up to the media and setting the tone for future political action. Just afew days ago I reported on an interview that Sir Evelyn de Rothschild had with a well established British news source. In the interview, Rothschild discussed the need to “reinvent capitalism”, referencing the work of John Maynard Keynes and Karl Marx in a positive light.