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Tag: Kiyul Chung
[anyplayer:url=http://v.cctv.com/flash/mp4video17/TMS/2011/12/19/c99f23f7fc4049618b638bd735b4c82e_h264418000nero_aac32-1.mp4 type=FLV] Part II: http://www.4thmedia.org/2012/01/02/video-the-4th-medias-dr-kiyul-chung-jia-xiudong-on-kim-jong-il%e2%80%99s-death-2/ Part III: http://www.4thmedia.org/2012/01/02/video-the-4th-medias-dr-kiyul-chung-jia-xiudong-on-kim-jong-il%e2%80%99s-death-3/ Part IV: http://www.4thmedia.org/2012/01/02/video-the-4th-medias-dr-kiyul-chung-jia-xiudong-on-kim-jong-il%e2%80%99s-death-4/
Governor Richardson said he “hoped to make a difference” in bringing a more stable situation into being, and settled down to substantive talks with men he knew well. A trickle of sensible-sounding suggestions soon surfaced; establishment of a three-way military commission involving the US and North and South Korea, to study crisis avoidance; setting up a “hot line” between the North and South; the return of recently discovered remains of American soldiers killed in the Korean war; possible resumption of visits by IAEA inspectors to Yongbyon, and sale of enriched nuclear fuel rods to foreign buyers, including South Korea.
By Julie Lévesque: Global Research Editor`s Note Progressive organizations have praised the Wikileaks endeavor. Our own website Global Research has provided extensive coverage of the Wikileaks data banks and their implications, particularly with regard to…
There is a growing chorus of voices in the media and the academy singling out the actions of the Chinese state as central to the dilemmas of the world economy. This focus finds its most…
That North Korea would feel threatened is not surprising. Its economy is crippled by the imposition of draconian Western sanctions, and the annual South Korean-U.S. military exercises are intended to intimidate. Furthermore, the rhetoric from Washington has been unremittingly hostile, and now with a more conservative government, so is South Korea’s.
Nor is North Korea unaware of the fact that in February 2003, President Bush told Chinese President Jiang Zemin that if the nuclear issue could not be solved diplomatically, he would “have to consider a military strike against North Korea.”
By David DeGraw: Here’s a brief summation of my recent reporting: If we continue to let our politicians and wealthy members of society live in comfort, free from the consequences of their actions, we are…
By Rick Rozoff: On December 22 both houses of the U.S. Congress unanimously passed a bill authorizing $725 billion for next year’s Defense Department budget. The bill, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year…
By David Glenn Cox We all have different hopes and dreams, we are all different people from different backgrounds. We all live in an age of mass communication that rather than uniting us, divides us…
The below is the full text from October 8th’s website announcement of US government-running, -funded, and -sponsored National Endowment for Democracy (NED) in regard to Liu Xiaobo the 2010 Nobel Peace Laureate.