Cynicism Around Syria

Rehearsed statements filled the stale air of the UN Security Council on the last day of January. The Arab League’s Nabil el-Araby pleaded with the Council to adopt a draft resolution on Syria furnished by…

UN Security Council Showdown on Syria

Slowly things are coming to a head. America, Israel, rogue NATO partners, and regional despot allies are itching for a fight with Syria. Russia and China stand firmly opposed. On February 3, Reuters headlined, “UN…

VIDEO: The Lies of the UN Security Council are Revealed

[anyplayer:url=] UN Security Council members have agreed to the text of a resolution on Syria. Reports say the new draft does not include provisions which Russia vocally opposed, namely an arms embargo and the resignation…

UN Shenanigans on Syria

“Viscous nasty business” … “aggressive pressure … by US diplomats”, “ferocious pressure on weaker non-permanent members”, the “type of pressure [that] is very, very difficult for weaker countries … to resist.” That’s how a former…

VIDEO: Russia Rejects UN Resolution on Syria

[anyplayer:url= york.flv] There was considerable optimism on Tuesday among Western states like the US — France — and the UK — which the stated Russian opposition to an anti-Assad resolution was softening. British Foreign Secretary…