Obama’s Trip to South East ASIA to Re-ignite “Cold War”: US Encircles CHINA

Just one week after winning a second term Barak Obama is about to make a trip to Thailand, Burma, and Cambodia to bolster support for US competition in the region against China. Normally such a trip to countries like Burma where there is still a long way to go in human rights and economic reforms would not be made by a US President. However Long standing US government principles are being tossed aside in the interests of increasing US influence in the region, reminiscent of the “Cold War” days of the 1960s. Obama has put the new Chinese Administration on notice that his coming term will be one of competition in winning the ‘hearts and minds’ (read handouts) of the nations surrounding China.

Netanyahu’s Nightmare: said Former PM Ehud Olmert, Spitting on America’s Face

On November 9, 2012, well after the US elections ended, Hebrew media is still obsessed with the feeling of defeat at Netanyahu’s bureau. “The night Netanyahu won’t forget” and “the astonishment that seized Netanyahu and his advisers this week was absolute” were typical comments. Spitting on America’s Face,” was the harsher comment of former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who after being acquitted by the court, is becoming increasingly active against Netanyahu. The redundancy of these reports and their extreme texts made me wonder wether Netanyahu and Obama are secret allies trying to hide that they are playing a complex international poker game. Yet, this is one of those rare cases in which such a conspiracy is not an option.

Obama Wins Election: What Next?

  President Obama has won the election. The US has its own traditions, normally the Americans give their presidents a second chance. There are rare exclusions from the rule when the failure is too evident…

Expanded Conflict in Syria Promised by Romney Will PROCEED Under OBAMA

Most irrelevant election in US history comes and goes as long-planned regime change using Al Qaeda death squads against Syria continues unabated. Almost as if to affirm the absolute irrelevance of elections in the “democratic” West, expanded conflict promised by the perceived “hawkish” Republican candidate Mitt Romney is proceeding immediately ahead under the re-elected President Barack Obama. Aside from superficial window dressing via an elaborate array of proxies through which US cash and weapons will flow, more direct military aid, including securing a defacto no-fly zone over parts of northern Syria using US-made Patriot missile batteries is now being discussed.

Syrian Opposition Falling Apart?

Recently it has been reported that there are some ‘problems’ within the Syrian opposition as the United States attempts to restructure the opposition as way to provide the rebels with more aid. It seems that…