The US Record on Human Rights: CIA Project MK-ULTRA

Mind Control, Brainwashing and Torture Experiments  The United States government funded and performed numerous psychological experiments, especially during the Cold War era, to help develop more effective torture and interrogation techniques for the U.S. military…

US’s so-called “MEDIATION” INTENSIFY China-Japan DISPUTE on Diaoyu Islands

The US should not forget the aggressive past of Japan, especially the attacks on Pearl Harbor in 1941, which partly was the result of Washington’s tolerance of Japanese expansionism. China’s influence is increasing in the Asia-Pacific region and even the rest of the world, while the US’ is declining. This is a relatively long-term but inevitable trend, which the US finds very uncomfortable to accept. The change in the balance of power will gradually erode the supremacy of the US and other countries’ confidence in America’s might. This realization seems to be giving American politicians and policymakers sleepless nights. … China issued a white paper on the Diaoyu Islands on Tuesday so that the international community would better understand Beijing’s stance on the Diaoyu Islands dispute. This is especially important because of the United Nations General Assembly session underway in New York.