END of USAID in Russia on Oct 1: Latin America Also Ready to DEPORT USAID: The End of US NGOs’ “Regime Change”?

USAID Openly Meddles in Sovereign Nations’ Domestic Affairs, Sponsoring NGOs and Protest Activities Intended to Destabilize Legitimate Governments Which Are Unfavorable from Washington’s Perspective The ejection of USAID from Russia was a long-awaited and welcome development. Moscow has repeatedly warned its US partners via an array of channels of communication that the tendency of USAID to interfere with Russia’s domestic affairs was unacceptable and, particularly, that the radicalism of its pet NGOs in the Caucasus would not be tolerated. When, on October 1, the decision made by the Russian leadership takes effect, the Moscow-based USAID staff which has been stubbornly ignoring the signals will have to pack and relocate to other countries facing allegations of authoritarian rule… In Latin America, USAID has long earned a reputation of an organization whose offices are, in fact, intelligence centers scheming to undermine legitimate governments in a number of the continent’s countries. The truth that USAID hosts CIA and US Defense Intelligence Agency operatives is not deeply hidden, as those seem to have played a role in every Latin American coup, providing financial, technical, and ideological support to respective oppositions.

War on Iran Will Trigger World War III: A Protocol of Non-Aggression Should Be REACHED Between ISRAEL And IRAN!

Both the US and Israel have threatened to implement a preemptive first strike attack against Iran, the consequences of which would be devastating… Reverse the Tide of War We call upon our readers to spread the message far and wide. We call upon people across the land, in America, Western Europe, Israel, Turkey and around the world to rise up against this military project, against their governments which are supportive of military action against Iran, against the media which serves to camouflage the devastating implications of a war against Iran. The people of Israel are largely united against Prime Minister Netanyahu’s resolve to attack Iran. A protocol of non-aggression should be reached between Israel and Iran.