The US Record on Human Rights: CIA Atrocities

A Short List of CIA Atrocities The CIA has committed thousands of illegal and immoral acts around the world, including almost unfathomable mass murder and countless acts of terrorism and torture. Former CIA agent John…

The Globalist Elite (US=Israel) March Toward World Governance By Way of Elimination of All Sovereign Nations

The Global Elite’s puppets are beginning to show their true alliances and rat out each other in an obvious move to find some sort of false sense of security. Congresswoman Michele Bachmann recently accused Huma Abedin, aide to Hillary Clinton US Secretary of State, as being an infiltrated spy for the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). Bachmann says that the US government has been compromised by the MB and Abedin is working for “America’s demise”. Bachmann pointed out that Abedin has “routine access to [Clinton] and policymaking.” While her peers have been denouncing her claims, Bachmann asserts that her investigations into federal agencies has turned up conclusions that there is an obvious influence over intelligence operations with regard to foreign policy by the MB within the US government. Abedin, who is of Pakistani decent, is married to House Representative Anthony Weiner who is Jewish. Weiner is a self-proclaimed Zionist, as he proudly stated: “Support for Israel was always a very big focus in my household growing up. I am a Zionist.”