Geopolitics and The Russian Elections: Putin Wins…

Putin Wins. Pre-election polls predicted around a 60% majority. Final results show Putin won 63.6% of the vote. He got a clear third term mandate. In 2004, he won 71%. Five candidates contended: United Russia’s Vladimir Putin. The Communist Party’s Gennady Zyuganov. The Liberal Democratic Party’s Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Just Russia’s Sergey Mironov. Independent candidate Mikhail Prokhorov (billionaire/Russia’s third richest man). With nearly all votes counted, official results were as follows: Putin: 63.6% Zyuganov: 17.2% Prokhorov: 7.9% Zhirinovsky: 6.2% Mironov: 3.9% Turnout was 63.3%. It exceeded December’s parliamentary elections. Opponents allege fraud. So do major media scoundrels. At issue isn’t who won or lost. Nor is it about a fair or fraudulent process. America’s electoral system is hopelessly corrupted and broken, yet media giants praise it.

Israel’s Huff and Puff Game

The air is full of dire warnings of an impending Israeli attack on Iran. Prophets of doom declare themselves full of forebodings and point fearfully to the meeting in the White House between President Barack…

VIDEO: West Sends Muted Reaction to Putin’s Victory

[anyplayer:url=] As Vladimir Putin won a landslide majority of votes in Russia’s presidential election Sunday, Western leaders seem to be reluctant to congratulate the president-elect, while Western media takes a critical stance. The United States…

US may use CIA cloak to hide Afghan presence

Afghan men walk past by US soldiers in Ghazni province on February 2, 2012 (AFP Photo / Aref Yaqubi) The Pentagon is reportedly deliberating over putting elite troops and Special Forces in Afghanistan under CIA…