Collapse of the West’s human rights paradise

The West imagined itself as a human rights paradise, entitled to intervene, using force if necessary, to prod a wayward world to conform to its ways. The human rights report published by the Russian Ministry…

Why Can’t Americans Have Democracy?

Syria has a secular government as did Iraq prior to the american invasion.  Secular governments are important in Arab lands in which there is division between Sunni and Shi’ite. Secular governments keep the divided population…

The US Media Rigged Ahead of The Russian Elections

March 1, 2012 – In the spirit of recognizing mobs of terrorists as legitimate national governments before a sovereign nation’s true leadership is murdered by US-led NATO operations, as was the case in Libya, the Western media is already decrying Russia’s upcoming elections as “rigged” before they’ve even taken place. Leading the preemptive media coverage is Foreign Policy (FP) magazine featuring an article by Freedom House president David Kramer and Freedom House vice president, Christopher Walker. The FP piece titled, “The Kremlin’s Big Gamble: Can Vladimir Putin’s simulated democracy survive another rigged election?” in title alone already implies that the elections, which polls have long indicated Putin is overwhelmingly expected to win, will be “rigged.” This in and of itself is “rigged” coverage – reporting conclusions to events that have yet to unfold. Kramer’s piece is particularly ironic, because the first round of “rigged election” calls were made last December by “activists” funded by the US State Department through the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), of which Freedom House is a subsidiary.

Syria: A Conspiracy Revealed

We have met the enemy and he is us. — Walt Kelly, 1913-1973   It was political analyst Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, in November 2006, who wrote in detail of US plans for the Middle East. …

Planned Regime Change in Syria

Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and now Syria had peace and calm until Washington intervened belligerently. Strategies and tactics vary. Objectives are consistent. They involve replacing independent regimes with pro-Western ones by any means, including war. Three unwinnable ones rage. Nonetheless, Obama plans more. Syria’s target one. For the past year, US-instigated violence ravaged parts of the country. Thousands have been killed, many others injured. Syria’s gripped by fear. Heavily armed killer gangs rage out of control, and direct foreign intervention looms. More on that below. Assad’s wrongly blamed. The blame game targets victims, not villains. As a result, ongoing conflict continues.

THE ROVING EYE: US wants SWIFT war on Iran

What was the parade of European poodles thinking – that Tehran would just roll over and absorb the European Union’s oil embargo, scheduled to start on July 1?  No wonder Brussels was caught as a…