Turkish protesters condemn US anti-Syrian position

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad (R) arrives at a polling station in the capital Damascus to cast his vote on a new constitution on February 26, 2012. Turkish protesters have held a demonstration near the Syrian…

Breaking News: 89% vote in favor of new Syrian Constitution

Syria’s Interior Minister has announced that 89 per cent of those who took part in the referendum have voted in favor of a new constitution. The new law puts an end to five decades of one-party rule among other reforms put forward by President Assad. Interior Minister Ibrahim al-Shaar announced the results of the referendum at a press conference on Monday.­ According to the minister, out of 14,580,000 Syrians eligible to vote some 8,376,000, or about 57 per cent, actually came to the polling stations and voted, RT’s Maria Finoshina reports from Damascus. Al-Shaar said that the opposition groups tried to hamper the vote in some troubled areas like Homs and Idlib. Armed rebels did not allow some people to get to the polling stations he said.

The sheep look down

“The Sheep Look Up”, John Brunner’s remarkably prescient ‘science fiction’ novel, first published in 1972 concerns the destruction of the entire environment in the US and the rise of a ‘corporately sponsored government’ leading to…

VIDEO: ‘US wants tension on Korean peninsula to contain China’

[anyplayer:url=http://rt.com/files/news/us-north-korea-talks-005/ib7999acb3d044b737eb51d0d9a0f9f63_nk.flv] The US is to restart direct nuclear talks with North Korea in Beijing on Thursday. But are the negotiations likely to be fruitful and ease tensions in the region? The bilateral talks were suspended…

VIDEO: Burning of Koran is ‘America’s worst PR disaster in Afghanistan’

[anyplayer:url=http://rt.com/files/news/burning-koran-worst-afghanistan-001/ifc3d52976c5cee2f298167341429f9dc_guest-hamid.flv] Seven people have been killed and dozens injured in protests over the burning of the Koran by US troops at an airbase in Afghanistan. An officer has apologized for the inadvertent burning. Yet some…

Families of slaughtered children to sue the CIA

President Barack Obama condoned America’s drone program last month, dismissing allegations that it’s caused more harm than good. In Pakistan, the families of civilians killed in these strikes are pleading with the UN to tell…

DEBUNKING MYTH: Proof that War Is Bad for the Economy

Top Economists Say War Is Bad for the Economy Preface: Many Americans – including influential talking heads – assume that war is good for the economy. As demonstrated below, it isn’t true. Nobel-prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz…