VIDEO: Congress Battles With Obama Over US debt

[anyplayer:url=] Just when we thought the debt ceiling debate was all but over at least for now. Congress proved this week that battles for the Obama administration continue over the nation’s debt. The House of…

Why Did Pentagon Completely Confuse China?

Sichuan Earthquake: Did Pentagon Completely Confuse China About What It Was Up To? National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell’s inaugural address in June 2007 about cancelling the Misty satellite program – what Republican Congressman Peter Hoekstra,…

5 Good Congressional Bills We Should Support

Protect the Web, Revoke the Indefinite Detention Law, Take Money Out of Politics and End the Fed’s Power to Create Money With all of the bad bills being proposed and passed, we shouldn’t forget to…

Democrats Are the Ones Pushing Web Censorship

Dems Still Pushing Web Censorship While the chief baddy on SOPA – Lamar Smith – is a Republican, it is really the Democrats who are the ones still trying to censor the web. MPAA head Chris Dodd is the…